• C-NO Chapter Meeting - November 2020 - Exoskeleton Requirements for Firefighters: Use Cases Reveal Essential Needs

    Presentation on use of MBSE methods to provide requirements for a new use of an existing product

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - October 2020 - Famous Failures Revisited

    A discussion of famous failures and the impact of integration on these failures

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - September 2020 - Community Appraisal for Resiliency Effectiveness (CARE) Project

    A presentation regarding the application of systems thinking/principles to resiliency for small communities, associated with a power outage.

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - August 2020 - Resiliency in Systems Engineering

    Presentation on Resiliency in Systems Engineering, by Rick Hefner, Ph.D., Program Director, Caltech Center for Technology and Management Education

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - AGM August 2020

    C-NO Chapter Annual General Meeting

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - February 2020 (To Be Rescheduled)

    Save the Date: C-NO Annual General Meeting and 2020 IW Recap

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - December 2019

    Presentation: Medical Device Risk Management

  • C-NO Chapter Tour- September 2019

    Tour of the Age of Steam Roundhouse, to learn more about steam engine systems and their associated system of systems (railroads)

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - August 2019

    Presentation: Leadership for Accelerating Development

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - June 2019

    Presentation on MIcrogrids and the transformation of energy systems and the national electrical grid guided by a disciplined systems engineering life-cycle process.

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting February 2019

    Annual General Meeting and Technical Discussion: Systems Engineering Competency Framework

  • C-NO Chapter Social February 2019 - Fat Heads Brewery & Saloon

    C-NO Chapter Social - Fat Heads Brewery & Saloon

  • C-NO Chapter Social December 2018 - Burntwood Solon

    C-NO Chapter Social - Burntwood Tavern Solon

  • EnergyTech18

    EnergyTech18 Conference

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting April 2018 - 10TH Anniversary Bash

    Chapter 10 Year Anniversary Banquet

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting February 2018

    MBSE with XLDYN: Linking Product Requirements with Performance

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting January 2018

    2018 Chapter Planning

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting December 2017

    SE Impacts: Theoretical Limits Implementing Software

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting November 2017

    Engineering 2.0: Rekindling Technological Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing

  • EnergyTech17

    EnergyTech17 Conference

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