Colorado Front Range Chapter

INCOSE Colorado Front Range is the local INCOSE chapter, covering the entire State of Colorado. Our purpose is to foster the definition, understanding, and practice of world class Systems Engineering in industry, academia, and government within the Colorado Chapter.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Virtual Event

Please join the INCOSE Colorado Front Range Chapter for a virtual presentation by Yvonne Bijan on Using MBSE to Perform Functional Analysis to Analyze Customer Requirements.


Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Time: 6:30 PM MT

Topic: Using MBSE to Perform Functional Analysis to Analyze Customer Requirements

The theory of Systems Engineering says we start at the top with customer needs, define requirements for the top level system in our product hierarchy, then decompose those requirements into the subsystem requirements at the next level down in the hierarchy- or does it? Some believe architecture work can begin once the requirements work is completed at any given level, but is that the only time that the tools and methods for architecture are useful? Have you ever been on a program where the practice of Systems Engineering aligns with the theory of Systems Engineering 100 percent? How do you cope with the deviations from the theory? What happens when the original requirement at the top is not an appropriate one that people should start with? This presentation will have a brief overview of systems engineering and then walk through an example of a top level requirement handed down from a customer to a program. We will use functional analysis to improve the requirement and answer the preceding questions.



Yvonne Bijan is an LM Fellow and has worked for Lockheed Martin for twenty-five years. She has a Doctor of Philosophy in System Engineering from Southern Methodist University. Yvonne has worked on numerous aeronautic and space programs including F-35 and Space Based Infrared System and is currently an Enterprise Architect. She is an Expert Systems Engineering Professional, Certified SysML Model Builder Advanced, SAFe Agilist, and holds a QFD Greenbelt. She has a B.S. in Physics with a minor in Math and an M.S. in Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering.


Please contact the Colorado Front Range Board of Directors (BoD) if you have questions.

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Recent Events


July 27th 2024 Colorado Front Range Chapter Picnic

The Colorado Front Range (CFR) Chapter provided a picnic lunch for its members. INCOSE Chapter members, Student members, and CAB Associates from across the Colorado Front Range gathered for fun and good eats at a park in Lone Tree.  Great conversations about INCOSE, jobs, and family were shared. 


May 22nd 2024 Virtual Chapter Event

Our guest speaker will be Dr. Aaron Brown from the CSU Department of Systems Engineering. Dr. Brown will be presenting a topic on Humanitarian Engineering.


April 25th 2024 Virtual Chapter Event

We will present a brief overview of IW 2024, and then one of our own, Dr. Jim Adams, will present a topic on Cost Optimization for Systems Engineers.

Guest Presentation: “Cost Optimization Framework for Systems Engineering: Looking Outside the Typical Systems Engineering Roles to Improve Outcomes”

  • This talk is based on the CSU SE Dept course, SYSE 573, Cost Optimization for Systems Engineers. This talk introduces the need for using an optimization framework in development projects, discusses a few cost and systems concepts that can be applied with an optimization framework, and provides a few examples to demonstrate the general approach.

Get Involved

To Request Sponsorship for a Colorado activity, please fill out form and send to: Colorado Front Range President

Board Members


Claribel Wendling




Vice President

Brad Granderson





Andrew Robinson





Kimberly Nunn




Membership Director





Communications Director

Casey Medina




Northern Colorado Area Director

Jim Adams




Colorado Springs Area Director




 Denver Area Director

Valkand Jhaveri





Harington Lee





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Yammer is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

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