Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE)

Vision: Inspire the global community to realize the SE Vision


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FuSE Program Mission Statement.

FuSE refines and evolves the SE Vision 2035 across competencies, research, tools & environment, practices, and applications.

FuSE identifies critical gaps towards the vision realization and initiates & supports relevant actions

FuSE fosters involvement and collaboration within and outside of INCOSE.

FuSE educates, shares success, and expands.

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The FuSE Program is organized in 4 streams.


Vision & Roadmaps

The Systems Engineering Vision and Roadmaps stream continuously refines, evolves, and complements the SE Vision 2035. Furthermore, the Vision and Roadmaps stream creates an integrated set of roadmaps across the four FuSE streams. The streams are interrelated and concurrently guide and influence each other. The intermediate stream goal is to frame the structural relationships and value models to support the roadmaps creation.



The SE Foundations stream has its basis in both theory and industrial practice. The intermediate stream goal is to assess the adequacy of the foundations and identify gaps to determine future directions. Special consideration will be given to the theoretical foundation of the SE as a discipline on one hand and the practical application foundations using principles and heuristics on the other hand.



The SE Methodologies stream guides the advancement of practices, methods, and tools for engineering systems to be fit for purpose at the scale, interrelatedness, complexity, non-determinism, and emerging technology innovations such as AI and agility. The intermediate stream goal is to assess the adequacy of current INCOSE technical products, ongoing FuSE projects in this stream, and identify gaps.


Application Extensions

The SE Application Extensions stream integrates social sciences, soft systems, as well as initiatives such as Smart Cities to address grand challenges to meet human and societal needs as stated in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The intermediate stream goal is to frame the value model to justify systems engineering’s role at the policy table for these grand challenges.

The FuSE Team.


Paul Schreinemakers

Stream Lead “SE Vision & Roadmaps”


Bill Miller

FuSE Program Lead


Oli de Weck

Stream Lead “SE Foundations”


Joshua Sutherland

Deputy Stream Lead “SE Foundations”


Erika Palmer

Director of Technical Products and Services


Chris Hoffman

Stream Lead “SE Methodologies”


Christian Sprague

Technical Project Manager


Tom Strandberg

Stream Lead “SE Application Extensions”


The FuSE organizational structure

Press Release

SAN DIEGO (24 January 2023) – The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is pleased to announce the launch of the next phase of the Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE, www.incose.org/fuse) initiative to realize the Systems Engineering Vision 2035.

FuSE Documentation

One of the FuSE pillars is Inclusiveness - From an exclusive club to inclusive initiative.

Therefore, we want to share our work with all FuSE enthusiasts. Find below the presentations & documentations from our past events. 


At EMEA WSEC, FuSE shared an update and held a working session for each stream.

Invited Content: Introduction of Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) initiative (Bill & Ralf)

FuSE Session 1: How might we advance Systems Engineering Methodologies to Engineer a more Sustainable World? (Chris)

FuSE Session 2: Extend the SE Vision 2035’s Systems Engineering Challenges and Roadmap with active contribution by the EMEA participants (Paul)

FuSE Session 3: Systems Engineering Foundations: An experiment on the Conservation of Complexity. (Joshua)

FuSE Session 4: Extending systems engineering application to address climate change (Tom, Gerhard)


FuSE @ IW 2023

FuSE introduced itself with new setup and branding at the IW 2023. 

We are happy to share the documentation of the FuSE sessions held at IW.

(Documentation from the stream sessions to be uploaded shortly)


Documentation of FuSE Team Workshops

The FuSE team meets regularily to work on bigger ticket items to move the FuSE initiative forward. 

Have a look if you are interested what the FuSE team is doing.

Find out more by visiting the FuSE Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) community today!

Yammer is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

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