Awards for outstanding service are presented to recognize INCOSE members who have contributed significant volunteer effort on behalf of INCOSE.

All award nomination packages should be sent electronically by their respective deadlines to [email protected]. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent within one week.  If you do not receive a confirmation, please resend.


Nominees for the Outstanding Service Award must have been INCOSE members for a minimum of five (5) years. Under exceptional circumstances, the Board of Directors may waive this requirement. Candidates must have volunteered significant and arduous effort on behalf of INCOSE either in one act of outstanding service or through extended contributions in one (1) or more of the following three (3) areas:
  • Service at the international, national, or local level in an elected office as a chair, or as a leader of a task force, advisory group, or working group;
  • Service at the international level as an editorial, publication, or symposium leader; or
  • Service at the international level as an advocate or liaison with other professional, scientific, public, or humanitarian organizations.

How to Nominate:

Completed Nomination Form (either MS Word or PDF) with:

  • Name of candidate:
  • Accomplishments vs. Outstanding Service Award Criteria:
  • Proposal for the citation:
  • List of individuals who will be writing a letter of support (minimum of three (3) individuals, including the nominator)

These letters are limited to two (2) typewritten pages, and should provide:

  • Name of Supporter,
  • Basis of knowledge about the candidate, which provides substantiation for the award,
  • Evaluation of the candidate against the Service Award Criteria.

Those writing letters of support should have the above candidate's information and qualifications available to them, but all letters of support should be independently written.

All award nomination packages should be sent electronically by their respective deadlines to [email protected]. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent within one week.  If you do not receive a confirmation, please resend.

Outstanding Service Award Recipients

Year Recipient Award Citation


Erik Herzog

For his endless enthusiasm and tireless work in raising Systems Engineering knowledge and its application in industry and academia, especially among younger and female systems engineers, and for doing this in a very humble way.



For his initiatives and actions to promote Systems Engineering in AFIS Chapter as Technical Director and Chapter President as well as his active chairmanship of the INCOSE Architecture WG.


Omer Ertekin

For his exceptional dedication and impactful contributions to the INCOSE Türkiye Chapter and the broader systems engineering community in Türkiye. Through his leadership as Chapter President, comprehensive educational initiatives, and personal mentorship, Mr. Omer Ertekin has significantly advanced the practice and understanding of systems engineering, inspiring a new generaIon of professionals in the region.


Anabel Fraga

For her contributions to the creation and execution of technical programs for the INCOSE IS and INCOSE EMEA. Also, for her contributions as a leader in her local chapter (Spain).


David Schrunk

For his outreach and liaison to members of INCOSE and other organizations to present a vision of better approaches to creating laws.


Artis Riepnieks

For his service at the regional level as a chair of the INCOSE Western States Regional Conference 2023.


Jessica Tucker

For her outstanding contributions in establishing and growing the INCOSE NZ Chapter.


Tami Katz

For her significant volunteer effort on behalf of INCOSE including outstanding leadership as Chair of the INCOSE Requirements Working Group, Chair and Assistant Director of Process Enablers for Tech Ops, outreach activities promoting INCOSE, and for providing significant contributions to the advancement of needs and requirements excellence in systems engineering.


Carlo Leardi

For promoting systems engineering through the establishment of AISE and subsequently the conduction of many events and initiatives.


Mark Winstead

For his contributions to the field of systems engineering and his efforts to promote the importance of security and trustworthiness.


Dorothy McKinney

For developing an INCOSE-wide mentoring strategy, and successfully implementing the pilot phase of that strategy.


Angelinda Rush

for outstanding support as the Colorado Front Range Technical Program Director including serving as Program Chair for the Western States Regional Conference.


Valkand N. "VJ" Jhaveri

For years of exceptional sustained effort of working at local, regional, national and international events supporting INCOSE and increasing awareness to other professional societies.


James M. "Jim" Adams, PhD

For sustained excellence in supporting the Colorado Front Range Chapter, Western States Regional Conference, and as a liaison with multiple AcEq Programs supporting the INCOSE Certification Program.


Michael C. "Mike" Pennotti

For creating the INCOSE Institute for Technical Leadership enabling INCOSE members to improve their leadership skills in a collaborative learning environment.


Paul Schreinemakers

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Paul Kostek

For the promotion of systems engineering, knowledge, leadership and events in the Seattle Metro Chapter and exceptional leadership roles in the Western States Regional Conference (WSRC), including Sponsorships and Exhibits Chairman from 2018 through 2022.


Paul D. Nielsen

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Patrick Godfrey

For creating the INCOSE Institute for Technical Leadership enabling INCOSE members to improve their leadership skills in a collaborative learning environment.


Heather Feli

For unrelenting dedication and transformative leadership in supporting and empowering women leaders to author and publish their important works in a compilation of chapters addressing emerging trends in systems engineering leadership.


David H. "Dave" Olwell, Ph.D.

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Emma S. Sparks

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Heinz Stoewer

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


John MacCarthy

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Dennis M. Buede, Ph.D.

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Donald S. "Don" Gelosh

For creating the INCOSE Institute for Technical Leadership enabling INCOSE members to improve their leadership skills in a collaborative learning environment.


Marcel "M.T.F.M." van de Ven

For outreach to the non-systems engineering community; maintaining leadership roles in several working groups; and leading his company in the growth of systems engineering practices that allow the firm to reduce risks in complex and complicated projects in the Netherlands.


Phillip J. Brown

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


John V. Farr, PhD, PE, PMP

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


David A. Nichols

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Clifford A. "Cliff" Whitcomb

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Sky Matthews

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Wolter J. "Wolt" Fabrycky

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Ariela Sofer

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Arthur B. "Art" Pyster

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Stephen J. "Steve" Sutton, PE-Retired; ESEP

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Garry J. Roedler

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Sanford A. "Sandy" Friedenthal

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Robert S. "Bob" Swarz

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Vincent V. CHAPURLAT, PhD, HdR

For successful management of the AFIS Academic-Industry Forum and the RobAFIS competition in 2020 and 2021 in a full virtual mode as well as the AFIS Engineering School in March 2022.


Richard "Dick" Fairley

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Young B. Moon, Ph.D, P.E.

For years of long sustained effort resulting in the successful development, recognition and implementation of ABET program criteria for systems engineering.


Christopher Davey

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Christopher J. "Chris" Oster

For directing, managing, developing and publishing the SE Vision 2035, which broadens, aligns, and promotes Systems Engineering as envisaged in the future.


Rick Hefner

For his outstanding service to the Los Angeles Chapter of INCOSE and his promotion of systems engineering through leadership activities in conferences and INCOSE initiatives.


Cheryl A. Kinchen, CSEP

For significant contributions as President of the Southern Maryland Chapter, including expanding the Chapter’s membership and ensuring that the chapter stayed in touch virtually, implementing monthly virtual speaker meetings.


Serge Landry

For his excellent energy, enthusiasm, and leadership locally, regionally, and globally resulting in significant contributions to programs and events. His evangelistic efforts to promote systems engineering values has extended INCOSE's outreach throughout the Asia-Oceania Sector.


William A. "Bill" Parkins

For his dedication and sustained efforts to promote synergies between chapters across the Asia Oceania Sector.


Steve Mckeown

For personal contributions of talents, time, and commitment as an elected Director for the Southern Maryland Chapter of INCOSE.


Ray Willaford

For outstanding service and promotion of systems engineering, leadership in the Seattle Metro Chapter, and leadership roles in the Western States Regional Conference, including Chairing the 2020 Conference.


Ian G. Presland, ESEP

In recognition for outstanding service to the INCOSE Competency Working group, and his sustained dedication to the development of the INCOSE SE Competency Assessment Guide as Editor-in-chief.


James N. Martin

For over a decade of exemplary service and leadership of the Systems Science Working group and impactful contributions to International Standards on Architecture .


Phyllis R. Marbach

For outstanding service and promotion of Systems Engineering, leadership activities in the Los Angeles Chapter of INCOSE, and the organization of Systems Engineering conferences along with consistent support of key INCOSE initiatives.


Sven-Olaf "SOS" Schulze

For service since 2005 on the Board of the German Chapter and as Chapter President from 2008 to 2019, during which time the German Chapter membership and number of corporate members increased significantly.


Kirsty Akroyd-Wallis

As President of the UK Chapter, for achieving unprecedented levels of financial control and visibility, stabilising chapter membership, launching a series of new technical publications, and most significantly, achieving licensed status as a Professional Engineering Institute in the UK.


Robert P. "Bob" Scheurer

For tireless service of 22 years as a Chapter leader within the Midwest Gateway Chapter, a mentor and instructor to numerous Systems Engineers across many disciplines, and a significant supporter of INCOSE throughout a distinguished 37 year engineering career.


Muhammad F. Islam

For leadership and enduring major contributions to INCOSE as an advocate of Systems Engineering best practices, mentor, educator and representative to ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission.


Ricardo Valerdi

For years of outstanding leadership in INCOSE and as co-chair of the Systems Engineering and Architecture NETwork (SEANET) in 2005, to establish INCOSE support for doctoral and post-doctoral research and encourage national and international networks to this effect.



For initiatives to promote Systems Engineering for the Automotive domain in the AFIS Chapter as well as at the INCOSE level, his key role in the creation of the INCOSE Automotive Working Group and his contributions to the Automotive Systems Engineering Vision 2025.


YoungWon Park

For contributions made to the development and implementation of Systems Engineering technology of the Korea Chapter through close cooperation between INCOSE and the Korea System Engineering Association.


Donna H. Rhodes

For years of outstanding leadership in INCOSE and as creator of the Systems Engineering and Architecture NETwork (SEANET) in 2005 to establish INCOSE support for doctoral and post-doctoral research and encourage national and international networks to this effect.


David C. "Dave" Alldredge

For dedicated and extended service in INCOSE Certification, Systems Engineering education, STEM and Chapter Leadership as a Board Member and as an Ambassador.


Paul White

For his leadership role in reinvigorating the Wasatch Chapter and leading the delivery of conferences in the Western States region.


Anthony P. "Tony" Gigioli

For his leadership of the Chapter Awards Committee, INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter, and service in support of INCOSE initiatives. His efforts have strengthened a process that guides chapters in their quest to best serve their members and promote INCOSE and the profession of Systems Engineering.


Mark W. Halverson

For his tireless work to elevate the value of Systems Engineering and the performance of the San Diego Chapter. During his term as President, the Chapter earned the INCOSE Chapter Gold Award for the first time in its history.


Meaghan M. ONeil

Chapter Governance and Finance Model Team In recognition of dedicated service as a member of the Chapter Governance and Finance Model (CGFM) Task Team chartered by the INCOSE Board of Directors 2016-2017 The resulting achievements of this team will have significant impact on the future of the INCOSE organization


Kerry J. Lunney

Chapter Governance and Finance Model Team In recognition of dedicated service as a member of the Chapter Governance and Finance Model (CGFM) Task Team chartered by the INCOSE Board of Directors 2016-2017 The resulting achievements of this team will have significant impact on the future of the INCOSE organization


René Oosthuizen

Chapter Governance and Finance Model Team In recognition of dedicated service as a member of the Chapter Governance and Finance Model (CGFM) Task Team chartered by the INCOSE Board of Directors 2016-2017 The resulting achievements of this team will have significant impact on the future of the INCOSE organization


Richard D. "Rick" Adcock

In recognition of dedicated service as Editor-in-Chief, SEBoK 2015-2018


Rick Dove

For his exceptional, extended and high- impact contributions to the INCOSE community, and for his leadership and the tireless advancements of systems concepts.


Robert J. "Bob" Skalamera

For his leadership of the Certification Advisory Group to advance and improve the program, as wells look for way to improve and increase the beneficial impact and support of several growth initiatives while not compromising the professional value to the Certified Systems Engineers.


Marilee J. Wheaton

For her service and promotion of Systems Engineering and technical education through leadership of Systems Engineering conference activities and academic endeavours, and her support of INCOSE initiatives and chapter activities through service in the Corporate Advisory Board.


Jean-Claude ROUSSEL

In recognition of dedicated service as Director, EMEA Sector 2014-2018


Azad M. Madni

For his tireless work developing and supporting next generation leaders of INCOSE and our profession, advancing our position and reputation in academia and research, and serving as an ambassador and connector to key individuals and organizations.


Olivier L. "Oli" de Weck

In recognition of dedicated service as Editor-in-Chief, Systems Engineering 2013-2018


Eric C. Belle, MBA

For his service to the Los Angeles Chapter and the Americas Sector in promoting INCOSE chapter best practices, and promotion of Systems Engineering through his support of the Conference of Systems Engineering Research (2016) and the INCOSE Regional Mini-Conference (2015).


Ivan M. Mactaggart, BSc MSc DipSysPrac CEng FIET FCMI MINCOSE

Chapter Governance and Finance Model Team In recognition of dedicated service as a member of the Chapter Governance and Finance Model (CGFM) Task Team chartered by the INCOSE Board of Directors 2016-2017 The resulting achievements of this team will have significant impact on the future of the INCOSE organization


Ian N. Gibson

Chapter Governance and Finance Model Team In recognition of dedicated service as a member of the Chapter Governance and Finance Model (CGFM) Task Team chartered by the INCOSE Board of Directors 2016-2017 The resulting achievements of this team will have significant impact on the future of the INCOSE organization


Andrew C. "Andy" Pickard

Chapter Governance and Finance Model Team In recognition of dedicated service as a member of the Chapter Governance and Finance Model (CGFM) Task Team chartered by the INCOSE Board of Directors 2016-2017 The resulting achievements of this team will have significant impact on the future of the INCOSE organization


John V. Farr, PhD, PE, PMP

For extraordinary efforts as the first INCOSE representative on the ABET engineering accreditation commission, as a contributor to the SE Body of Knowledge, and for his tireless promotion of systems engineering.


Stephen C. Cook

For influential and visionary leadership over the past two decades, including roles as SESA Past President and Technical Director, being instrumental in the evolution of the INCOSE Australian Chapter, being a driving force in both local and international INCOSE events, and aiding in technical advancement of System of Systems Engineering.


David R. McCowan

For serving INCOSE/SESA for over twenty years in multiple roles that were critical to INCOSE/SESA's growth. His contributions have significantly advanced INCOSE's professional status in Australia, serving as an exemplar for future generation systems engineers to follow.


Ian G. Presland, ESEP

For consistently providing superior services to INCOSE, as a member of the Competency working group, as a member of the Certification Advisory Group (CAG), and by providing ongoing positive impact to the UK chapter, bridging all three activities for the benefit of INCOSE.


Kenneth V. "Ken" Crowder

For outstanding leadership of INCOSE's ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 Liaison Team that has been very influential in setting the direction and development of key SE related standards. He has successfully established diverse alliances that have enabled INCOSE to have consistent influence and impact.


William E. "Bill" Klinger

For outstanding leadership and service at both the local chapter level and nationally to promote Systems Engineering, including chapter president, support to the Great Lakes Regional Conference, and work with national entities, such as the Library of Congress.


Ramakrishnan "Ramki" Raman

For sustained outstanding and significant contributions towards the growth of systems engineering awareness, adoption, and practice in INCOSE and India.


Jorg R. Largent

For outstanding service and promotion of systems engineering and technical education through his support of the Los Angeles Chapter of INCOSE and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) efforts in Southern California.


George W. Anderson

For his significant, individual and long-term major contributions to INCOSE, including chapter contributions and leadership as the chapter president that has contributed to the advancement of INCOSE, SE best practices, and certification.


Alwyn G. Smit

For personal commitment to the INCOSE South Africa Chapter and significant, continuing contributions toward youth outreach in South Africa and the systems engineering community at large.


Erik R. Devito

For his highly visible, profound and lasting impact on the successful operations of the Chesapeake Chapter of INCOSE, including his progressive assumption of significant and arduous duties over time.


Louis S. "Lou" Wheatcraft

For sustained and outstanding leadership in the INCOSE Requirements Working Group to advance requirements excellence in systems engineering.


Michael Wilkinson

For sustained contribution to the UK Chapter, taking up several leadership positions (at short notice) and for strong technical contribution to INCOSE work, particularly in the field of Systems Architecture.


Robert J. "Bob" Turk

For sustained leadership, commitment, and excellent performance in the Certification Advisory Group, which has been a contributing factor in the success of the SE Certification program.


Richard D. "Rick" Adcock

For strong leadership contribution to the Academic activities of INCOSE, contribution and now editor‐in-chief of BKCASE, and long term contribution to the UK Chapter of INCOSE.


Terry Rector

For outstanding service to the Los Angeles Chapter of INCOSE and promotion of systems engineering and technical education through leadership of the Conference of Systems Engineering Research (2011 and 2014) and the Regional Mini-Conference (2016).


Bruce R. Shelton, ESEP, MSSM

For sustained leadership, commitment, and excellent performance in the Certification Advisory Group, which has been a contributing factor in the success of the SE Certification program.


Raymond W. "Ray" Jorgensen

IT Project Team for their efforts to deploy the new IT Infrastructure capabilities for member administration, collaboration, and public website.


Michel Galinier

For contribution in creating and leading AFIS, the French INCOSE Chapter, based on his strong belief in Systems Engineering as a vital discipline.


Steven H. "Steve" Dam

For his focus on both technical excellence and social interaction that have grown and developed the Washington Metro Area Chapter of INCOSE and its events.


Stephen J. "Steve" Sutton, PE-Retired; ESEP

IT Project Team for their efforts to deploy the new IT Infrastructure capabilities for member administration, collaboration, and public website.


Martin Geisreiter

For his sustained contributions to GfSE, the INCOSE German Chapter, including his support to certification and Systems Engineering standards.


Max Zollinger

For significant and continuous contribution in establishing systems engineering as a discipline in Switzerland, and building the Swiss Chapter of INCOSE.


Virginia A. "Ginny" Lentz

IT Project Team for their efforts to deploy the new IT Infrastructure capabilities for member administration, collaboration, and public website.


Shirley Tseng

For her sustained and outstanding service in support of the INCOSE Los Angeles Chapter and its members, through service in elected and appointed roles, and in particular her promotion of systems engineering and technical education in the Western region of the USA.


Rüdiger Kaffenberger

For his exemplary service in founding GfSE, the German INCOSE Chapter, his service as Treasurer since its foundation, and his contributions to the German SE Certification program.


Ronald S. "Ron" Carson

For unique contributions to Systems Engineering Measurement and the INCOSE SE Measurement Primer to treat measurement in the context of closed-loop feedback control.


Thomas M. Shortell

SE Handbook Authors for helping create the SE Handbook 4th Edition, an outstanding INCOSE product that will continue to foster world-wide advancement of the discipline of Systems Engineering.


R. D. Hamelin

SE Handbook Authors for helping create the SE Handbook 4th Edition, an outstanding INCOSE product that will continue to foster world-wide advancement of the discipline of Systems Engineering.


David Mason

For his outstanding service in establishing the concept of INCOSE Student Divisions, and his years of dedicated service to the Member Board, the Americas Sector and the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of INCOSE.


Garry J. Roedler

SE Handbook Authors for helping create the SE Handbook 4th Edition, an outstanding INCOSE product that will continue to foster world-wide advancement of the discipline of Systems Engineering.


David D. "Dave" Walden

SE Handbook Authors for helping create the SE Handbook 4th Edition, an outstanding INCOSE product that will continue to foster world-wide advancement of the discipline of Systems Engineering.


David C. Hall

For leadership and contributions in the evolution of INCOSE's Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) program, establishment of ESEP credential and for her service as Chair of the Certification Advisory Group (CAG).


Andrew C. "Andy" Pickard

IT Project Team for their efforts to deploy the new IT Infrastructure capabilities for member administration, collaboration, and public website.


Robert Parro

IT Project Team for their efforts to deploy the new IT Infrastructure capabilities for member administration, collaboration, and public website.


Terje Fossnes

For his dedicated service as Assistant Director for Technical Events 2008-2014.



AFIS Research Team for his significant and sustained contribution to the identification, recognition and promotion of System Engineering Research activities, and for networking between Academic and Industrial communities in order to make to make Systems Engineering Research fully applicable to Industry.



AFIS Research Team for his significant and sustained contribution to the identification, recognition and promotion of System Engineering Research activities, and for networking between Academic and Industrial communities in order to make to make Systems Engineering Research fully applicable to Industry.


Gerard H. "Jerry" Fisher

For leadership and contributions in the evolution of INCOSE’s Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) program, establishment of ESEP credential and for her service as Chair of the Certification Advisory Group (CAG).


Jack A. Stein

IT Project Team for their efforts to deploy the new IT Infrastructure capabilities for member administration, collaboration, and public website.


John D. Quigley

For dedicated and long term excellent service in support of the San Diego Chapter of INCOSE and of the International INCOSE organization.


Kevin Forsberg

SE Handbook Authors for helping create the SE Handbook 4th Edition, an outstanding INCOSE product that will continue to foster world-wide advancement of the discipline of Systems Engineering.


Elizabeth L. "Beth" O'Donnell

For her sustained and outstanding support of the INCOSE Los Angeles Chapter and its members, through service in elected and appointed roles, and her dedication and commitment to the field of systems engineering both within INCOSE and other technical societies.


John F. Nallon

For his dedicated service as Assistant Director for Technology 2011-2014.



AFIS Research Team for his significant and sustained contribution to the identification, recognition and promotion of System Engineering Research activities, and for networking between Academic and Industrial communities in order to make to make Systems Engineering Research fully applicable to Industry.


Mark A. Wilson

For his sustained and dedicated service as part of the Certification Advisory Group, including service as Chair and Co-Chair; as a key contributor in the evolution of INCOSE’s Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) program and for his contribution to establishing the ESEP credential.


René Oosthuizen

For his leadership and outstanding commitment to the INCOSE South Africa Chapter including bringing EMEASEC to South Africa in 2014, and his contributions to INCOSE at the International level.


Terje Fossnes

For being a leader and key contributor in the evolution of INCOSE’s Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) program in Europe and in the US;
for Project Leadership coordinating activities of the International workshop; and, for contributions to the updating, refinement and publication of the core CSEP examination and certification-related material.


Christopher Unger

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


Jon P. Wade, Ph.D.

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


Avigdor Zonnenshain

For significant effort to promote INCOSE and SE at the international, EMEA Sector and national levels as former president of the Israeli chapter, leader of several task forces and Working Groups, and Ambassador of the Israeli chapter to both INCOSE and the EMEA sector.


Chris Paredis

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


Duncan H. Kemp

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


John A. Palmer

In recognition of dedicated service as part of the North Star Chapter of INCOSE.


Sanford A. "Sandy" Friedenthal

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


Bruce C. Beihoff, MSc

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


David A. Nichols

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


Bohdan W. "Bo" Oppenheim, PhD

For significant and continuous contributions to the creation, evolution, and dissemination of Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering; and, for his personal commitment to the INCOSE Polish chapter.


Heinz Stoewer

For excellent service in the creation of an INCOSE SE Vision 2025 that will inform the global development of Systems Engineering as a discipline and INCOSE as a broker of knowledge and a world authority on Systems Engineering.


Timothy L. "Tim" Ferris, PhD

For longstanding and continuous contributions to the educational and research activities within INCOSE; and, for the creation of a permanent, high quality photographic archive of INCOSE events.


Andrew C. "Andy" Pickard

For longstanding and continuous contributions to the INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board through the creation and maintenance of the CAB Knowledge center and the INCOSE webinar series; and, for the creation of a permanent, high quality photographic archive of INCOSE events.


Gauthier FANMUY

For his significant contribution as a WG leader for the Requirements Engineering WG for both AFIS and INCOSE; for consistent activity in the Systems Engineering for Very Small and Micro Enterprises WG; and for his important contributions in the development of the ISO standard on this subject.


Peter M. "Pete" Lister

For sustained and dedicated service to systems engineering in UK leadership roles, including: President-Elect and President of the UK Chapter; Finance Director for a period of over eleven years; and Legal Director of INCOSE UK since 1998.


Dan C. "Doc" Surber

For sustained and dedicated service to INCOSE, the Crossroads Chapter and industry as Chapter President, Region IV Member Board Representative, and Chair of the INCOSE Certification Advisory Group (CAG), including establishment of the ESEP program and development of the CAB Strategic Plan and Operations Plan.


Mike Celentano

For sustained excellence, dedication, perseverance, and patience as the Technical Program Chair of the Events Committee, establishing a framework and tradition which will guide future symposia for years to come.


Andrew D. Farncombe

For sustained leadership in the UK Chapter as Technical Director beginning in 2005. In this role Andrew has provided outstanding leadership, driving the high standards of UK technical events and working groups, and providing technically knowledgeable leadership and wisdom to the UK Council.


Bruce J. Elliott

For outstanding service in furthering the cause of systems engineering in Transportation - notably rail - through his contribution to the Yellow Book, his pioneering research, his enthusiastic and purposeful INCOSE leadership of the UK Rail Interest Group and In-Service Systems Working Group, and his dedicated contributions to the Transportation Working Group.


Eileen P. Arnold, INCOSE Fellow, ESEP

For leadership and contributions in the evolution of INCOSE’s Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) program, establishment of ESEP credential and for her service as Chair of the Certification Advisory Group (CAG). She has been a leader in INCOSE activities at the local chapter, corporate, and international levels.


Don S. Boyer

For outstanding leadership of the Chapter Awards Committee and the “Keys to Effective Chapters” process. His efforts have resulted in a process that guides chapters in their quest to best serve their members and helps to train new generations of chapter leaders.


Robert A. "Bob" Levin

For outstanding leadership of the Chapter Awards Committee, promoting recognition of chapters that demonstrate the values of INCOSE. His efforts have resulted in a process that continues to guide chapters in their quest to best serve their members.


Susan C. Ruth

For outstanding and continuous support for all activities and programs that the INCOSE-LA Chapter has provided to its membership since the chapter was formed in 1995. Susan Ruth's mentoring and guidance have played a large role in the success of the LA Chapter by ensuring a long history of valuable activities and strong leadership councils.


Paul F. Cudney

For outstanding service in support of the membership of INCOSE-LA and the international community of INCOSE at large. The efforts of Paul Cudney have resulted in a valuable service in the growth and advancement of INCOSE and the LA Chapter.


Jerry Huller

For dedicated and caring service to INCOSE and the Colorado Front Range Chapter, 1997 – 2010.


John C. Muehlbauer

For promoting the INCOSE Certification program through leadership in the development, adaptation, and maintenance of Certification Advisory Group Annual Operating Plan and the Certification forms for ASEP, CSEP, and ESEP.


Michael E. "Mike" Krueger

For his significant technical and editorial skills which he brought to bear in the development of the Systems Engineering Handbook, version 3.2. His on-time delivery under difficult circumstances is a tribute to his dedication to “Make a promise – keep a promise.”


James B. "Jim" Chism

For outstanding continuous support to the membership for INCOSE Connect - Teaching, prepared training materials and availability for personal consultations.


Karl C. Geist

For promoting the INCOSE Certification program through leadership in the development, updating, and delivery of training for new Certification Application Reviewers, and for renewal training delivered to current CARs for both CSEP and ESEP.


Kevin Forsberg

For promoting the INCOSE Certification program through leadership in the development, updates, and promotion of the SE Handbook, Certification Examination Questions development and quality assurance of the testing program.


Anne O'Neil

For her persistence in extending the growth of INCOSE in the nontraditional domains. She has made the Transit Working Group into an international community that is new working model for INCOSE.


David D. "Dave" Walden

For his significant technical and editorial skills which he brought to bear in the development of the Systems Engineering Handbook, version 3.2. His on-time delivery under difficult circumstances is a tribute to his dedication to “Make a promise – keep a promise.”


R. D. Hamelin

For his significant technical and editorial skills which he brought to bear in the development of the Systems Engineering Handbook, version 3.2. His on-time delivery under difficult circumstances are a tribute to his dedication to “Make a promise – keep a promise.”



For bringing the discipline of systems engineering to the execution of the INCOSE International Symposium.


Michael Mueller

For establishing Human Systems Integration as a core discipline in INCOSE and building the role and reputation of INCOSE in the wider Human Systems Integration community.


John O. Clark

For promoting the INCOSE Certification program through leadership in the development and ongoing delivery of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook Tutorial


Eddie B. "Ed" Smith

For extended and committed service to the establishment and growth of INCOSE in Orlando and Central Florida.


Karl C. Geist

In recognition of dedicated service as the leader of the Certification Advisory Group’s beta test efforts.


William F. "Bill" Mackey

In recognition of dedicated service on the Certification Advisory Group.


Robert J. "Bob" Turk

In recognition of dedicated service on the Certification Advisory Group.


Michael E. "Mike" Krueger

In recognition of dedicated service as Chair of the Certification Advisory Group.


John C. Muehlbauer

For outstanding service to INCOSE as chair of the Certification Advisory Group, 2004–2006.


Rebecca L. "Becky" Reed

For outstanding service to INCOSE as president of both the Huntsville (2001–2003) and Hampton Roads Area (2006) chapters of INCOSE and [for] sustained community involvement to advance systems engineering as a profession.


Kenneth J. "Ken" Kepchar

For outstanding service to INCOSE as the founding chairperson of the Certification Advisory Group and the first CSEP Program Manager.


Terje Fossnes

For significant contributions to the Systems Engineering Handbook version 3.


James B. "Jim" Chism

For significant contributions to the Systems Engineering Handbook version 3.


Kenneth J. "Ken" Kepchar

For significant contributions to the Systems Engineering Handbook version 3.


Cecilia Haskins

For significant contributions to the Systems Engineering Handbook version 3.


Kevin Forsberg

For significant contributions to the Systems Engineering Handbook version 3.


Karl C. Geist

For his leadership role in INCOSE as Southern Maryland Chapter President, dedication to the SE Certification program, contributions to INCOSE products, and advocacy of systems engineering in his community.


Gundars Osvalds

For his contributions to the INCOSE Products CD, a major advance in making INCOSE products available to all INCOSE members.


Lawrence J. "Larry" Brezinski

For his dedicated service and leadership of the Symposium Committee.


Richard M. "Rich" Harwell

For innovations in the Technical Board infrastructure and processes as Co-Chair and Chair


Stephen J. "Steve" Sutton, PE-Retired; ESEP

For his leadership in the creation of the INCOSE Products CD, a major advance in making INCOSE products available to all INCOSE members


Richard B. "Dick" Wray

For his contributions to the INCOSE Products CD, a major advance in making INCOSE products available to all INCOSE members


Eric C. Honour

For his leadership as Director of SECOE.


Virginia A. "Ginny" Lentz

For her leadership as the founding Chair of the Symposium Committee, and for her dedication to the success of INCOSE’s International Symposia.


Terry A. Bahill, PhD

For his leadership as the founding Chair of Fellows Committee and for his dedication to defining the role of the Fellows in INCOSE.


Michel Galinier

For major contributions and exceptional dedication to AFIS, Region III, and INCOSE


William F. "Bill" Mackey

For his leadership as Chair of the Technical Board and for his dedication to improving the scope and quality of INCOSE products


David A. Long

For his leadership role in INCOSE as Washington Metro Chapter President, Member Board Chair, leadership role on the IS 2003 Organizing Committee, and very significant contributions to the Chapters Committee.


Dennis M. Buede, Ph.D.

For his outstanding work in leading the Guide to the SE Body of Knowledge to implementation and release.


Ashok Jain

For his outstanding work in leading the communications activities of the INCOSE Technical Board, including establishing the Information Command Center at IW 2003.


Kenneth J. "Ken" Kepchar

in recognition for his service as Region V Director


Kenneth V. "Ken" Crowder

For his leadership role in facilitating the creation and implementation of the INCOSE Membership Board.


Cecilia Haskins

For her pioneering work in developing and leading the Chapters Committee and for being a major force in the creation and sustaining of INCOSE chapters.


Llewellyn A. "Lew" Lee

For generously providing his technical expertise to effect the efficient and economical transition of the Symposium Paper Database, ensuring that it remains a useful tool for future Symposium Committees.
For his outstanding work on the Systems Engineering Handbook Team, with Richard Wray and Dorothy McKinney, which created the Systems Engineering Handbook Version 2.0.


James T. "Jim" Whalen

For his outstanding work on the Systems Engineering Handbook Team, with Richard Wray and Dorothy McKinney, which created the Systems Engineering Handbook Version 2.0.


Eileen P. Arnold, INCOSE Fellow, ESEP

Symposium Paper database


Ralph S. "Chip" Hill III

For his leadership role in INCOSE as Silver State Chapter President, Chair of the Environmental Systems Working Group, liaison with the Chapters Committee for National Engineers Week, and additional service to the organization.


Dorothy McKinney

For her outstanding work on the Systems Engineering Handbook Team, with Richard Wray and James Whalen, which created the Systems Engineering Handbook Version 2.0.


Richard B. "Dick" Wray

For his leadership role on the Systems Engineering Handbook Team, with Dorothy McKinney and James Whalen, which created the Systems Engineering Handbook Version 2.0.


Mark E. Sampson

For his creation of the Symposium Paper Database and his support of the database through the server transition to ensure that it remains a useful tool for future Symposium Committees.


Valerie M. Gundrum

For her leadership role in INCOSE as Managing Editor of INSIGHT and as Chair of the Communications Committee.


Terry A. Bahill, PhD

Fellows Select Committee Chair


Llewellyn A. "Lew" Lee

For his leadership role in INCOSE at the Chapter level, as INCOSE’s webmaster, and as Chair of the Membership Committee.


Kenneth J. "Ken" Kepchar

In recognition for his service as Chapters Committee Co-Chair

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