Bob Bordley, Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) Deputy Chair

Bob Bordley currently serves INCOSE as Deputy Chair of the Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) and Assistant Director of the Academic Council. He was formerly President of the Michigan Chapter and received the Michigan INCOSE Lifetime Achievement Award and the Engineering Society of Detroit Gold Award for his efforts. Bob earned his PhD, MS, and MBA from the University of California, Berkeley.

Bob is a professor of engineering practice at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and director of the Systems Engineering and Design Program. In addition to publishing one hundred research articles, he co-developed their systems engineering courses. For his efforts, Bob received the Ramsey Medal for Distinguished

Contributions to Decision Analysis, the Decision Analysis Best Publication Award, the IOEM Distinguished Educator Award, and the University of Michigan Tom Sawyer Teaching Award.

Bob previously worked at General Motors (GM) as a Manager, Technical Director, and Technical Fellow. Bob adapted NASA systems engineering methods into vehicle design, used morphological matrices in strategic design decisions, managed GM’s R&D Portfolio, created a revenue management system, used a systems model to identify major cost savings, and improved the interface between marketing and engineering. For his accomplishments, GM awarded Bob the Chairman’s Award, the President’s Council Award, the Research Award of Excellence, and the Outstanding Design Award. Bob was made a Fellow of INFORMS, the American Statistical Association (ASA), and the Society of Decision Professionals.


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