Stueti Gupta’s Vision as INCOSE Secretary

My name is Stueti Gupta, an ardent member of INCOSE since 2011. I am a practitioner of the discipline since 16 years. I am passionate about Systems Engineering (SE) as
✓ SE teaches one to integrate knowledge from different domains to solve complex challenges effectively
✓ SE equips one with problem-solving skills that can be applied to a wide range of context and
✓ SE enables one to be adaptable and flexible, enabling one to respond effectively to system / project needs.
I believe that’s the kind of thinking and approach required to address today’s megatrends that are shaping our industries and society. As an inducted member of INCOSE Technical Leadership Institute I had the opportunity to explore the paradigm shift in leadership thinking and skills to be equipped with for the changing landscape.
I envision INCOSE as the north star for industries, academia and society, with advanced practices of the discipline and right resources. And as INCOSE Secretary and voting member of Board of Directors, I would like to
1. Strengthen INCOSE’s role as a value provider to its global members by fostering the community and enabling access to right resources
2. Channeling purposeful initiatives through INCOSE to craft the future of the discipline
3. Realize INCOSE’s vision and strategic objectives through effective and efficient governance practices
INCOSE has provided me a nurturing and inclusive environment and I am dedicated to creating the same for others.
Stueti has had a career as a full-time academician teaching mechanical engineering; she has led SE and MBSE practices at a multinational organization for a decade and is currently a tech entrepreneur. During her career, she has accumulated a diversity of experiences covering a broad range of activities across systems engineering Vee and manufacturing and also working with different geographies. In INCOSE, she has served various leadership roles. During her tenure as President of India Chapter, the chapter received various chapter awards, including the President’s Award for Most Outstanding Chapter. Stueti is currently serving the position of Secretary temporarily for a short tenure. Stueti has been a contributor to "Letters To My Younger Self: How Systems Engineering Changed My Life" e-book published by INCOSE and "Emerging Trends in Systems Engineering Leadership: Practical Research from Women Leaders" book published by Springer. As an active member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) she co-founded the first chapter in India. She was awarded the SWE Distinguished Engineers’ Award in 2016 for her technical contributions in systems engineering and the SWE Local Most Engaged Award in 2021 for her efforts toward the advancement of women in engineering in India.