Year | Recipient | Award Citation |
2024 | G. Maarten Bonnema | for enriching systems engineering with tools and lines of reasoning for designing system architectures and for educating systems engineers. |
2024 | Anja Maier | for the development and dissemination of a theory of engineering systems design through leadership in academia and industrial application. |
2024 | Ramakrishnan Raman | for impactful contributions and dissemination of methodologies and frameworks for systems engineering of safety-critical AI-based systems. |
2023 | Tom McDermott | for consistently researching, developing and applying systems engineering tools to many different domains, and for advancing the use of systems thinking tools in systems engineering practice. |
2023 | Eun Suk Suh | for contribution to system architecture design research and practice across academia and industry. |
2023 | Kerry J. Lunney | for technical and programmatic leadership on large-scale defense programs that resulted in high impact outcomes. |
2022 | Claude Baron | for advancing systems engineering in Europe through innovative research and education. |
2022 | Jon Holt | for leading the implementation and for sustained effort in support of model-based systems engineering. |
2022 | Ariela Sofer | for significant contributions to systems engineering education and advancing the recognition of systems engineering in academia. |
2022 | Ricardo Valerdi | for advancing theory and practice of cost estimation and measurement in systems engineering. |
2022 | David Rousseau | for advancing the theoretical foundations of systems engineering through systems philosophy and systems science research. |
2021 | Eberhard "E.K.A." Gill | for contributions to space systems engineering research and education. |
2021 | Neil G. Siegel | for significant contributions to the methodology and practice of developing and validating the performance of large-scale, complex military systems. |
2021 | Guy-André Boy | for globally advancing human-systems integration as a core part of systems engineering in industry and academia. |
2021 | Ram D. Sriram | for advancing theory, practice, and computational tools for design of complex engineered systems. |
2021 | Daniel A. DeLaurentis | for outstanding contributions to modeling and simulation methodology and to design theory for systems of systems and complex aerospace vehicles. |
2020 | Ad J. Sparrius | for advancing systems engineering practice, principles, and education in South Africa. |
2020 | Gan "GW" Wang | for advancing the state of the practices in systems engineering design reuse and engineering cost estimation methodologies. |
2020 | Duncan H. Kemp | for leadership in embedding new systems engineering practices across multiple sectors, notably in capability/mission engineering and system safety. |
2020 | Gerrit "G." Muller | for connecting systems engineering practice and theory, through teaching, research, and facilitating exchange of knowledge and experiences between practitioners and researchers. |
2019 | David A. Long | for advancing the state of systems engineering practice through methods, processes and tools, especially in support of model-based systems engineering. |
2019 | Paul D. Nielsen | for the application of sound systems engineering to nationally significant defense and intelligence programs and for senior leadership in applying and advancing system engineering in government R&D organizations. |
2018 | Michael W. "Mike" Sievers | for advancing the state-of-the-art and state-of-the practice of model-based systems engineering with specific emphasis on resilient systems and system-of-systems. |
2018 | Charles S. Wasson | for authoring and communicating concepts, principles, and practices that have advanced the state of systems engineering practice. |
2018 | Jon P. Wade | for leading research focused on accelerating the acquisition of systems engineering experience with real world considerations. |
2017 | Judith Dahmann | for innovation and leadership in evolving and promulgating the practice of systems of systems engineering. |
2017 | William D. "Bill" Schindel | for strengthening the foundations of model-based systems engineering, defining S* Patterns, and developing and applying industry-specific system patterns across multiple industries. |
2017 | Ronald R. Luman | for significant contributions to advancement of systems thinking in fields ranging from homeland security to major military development programs, providing guidance to the U.S. Government, the military services, the intelligence community,
and academia. |
2017 | Michael J. Ryan | for contributions to the development of systems engineering practice, and propagating it through education and application. |
2016 | C. Robert "Bob" Kenley | for advancing the application of analytic methods and statistical modeling techniques in systems design and analysis. |
2016 | Fredrick A. "Rick" Steiner | for creative and industry-leading work in developing SysML and for demonstrating its value through its application to successful real-world projects. |
2015 | Clifford A. "Cliff" Whitcomb | for significant contributions in teaching, research and curriculum innovation especially as applied to defense systems. |
2015 | Bohdan W. "Bo" Oppenheim | for fundamental contributions to the field of Lean Systems Engineering and Lean Management. |
2015 | Peter Brook | for innovation in enterprise systems engineering, and education on coping with complexity. |
2015 | Ernst Fricke | for fundamental contributions to the theory of systems engineering, particularly in the area of design for changeability. |
2014 | Duane Hybertson | for significant contributions working towards bringing together systems science theory and system engineering practice. |
2014 | Rick Dove | for devising and conveying a viable framework for design of agile, robust, change proficient systems. |
2014 | Daniel Krob | for contributions to systems engineering education and training. |
2013 | Eileen P. Arnold | for leadership in the establishment of the credential for expert systems engineering and for contributions that influenced the evolution and practice of systems engineering in industry. |
2013 | Garry J. Roedler | for contributions and leadership in developing systems engineering processes, measurement, and international standards. |
2013 | Michael C. "Mike" Pennotti | for developing, implementing and evolving an innovative systems engineering graduate program. |
2013 | Patrick Godfrey | for innovations in the management of complex systems through integration of "soft" and "hard" systems approaches in practice, education and research. |
2012 | Stephen C. Cook | for leadership in the development of systems engineering education and application in Australia. |
2012 | Olivier L. "Oli" de Weck | for contributions to the theory, methods, and practice of designing complex systems through research and education. |
2011 | Regina M. Griego | for the development, application, and dissemination of model-based requirements elicitation, and business modeling technique. |
2011 | Dov "Dubi" Dori | for innovative contributions to the theory and practice of model-based systems engineering through research and education. |
2011 | Chandru Mirchandani | for outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of systems engineering as a practitioner and educator. |
2011 | Gerard H. "Jerry" Fisher | for proactively promulgating systems engineering practice both as exemplar and as facilitator of practitioner development. |
2010 | Eric C. Honour | for research contributions addressing the value of systems engineering. |
2010 | Avigdor Zonnenshain | for advancing systems engineering practice, principles, research and activities within Israel and the worldwide community. |
2010 | Edmund H. Conrow | for research and practice associated with risk management, and cost, performance, and schedule trade methods. |
2010 | Sung K. "Luke" Min | for outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of South Korean defense systems R&D, project management, systems engineering, and R&D policy planning. |
2009 | LeanWeng B. Yeoh | for contributions and achievements through technology, leadership and teaching systems engineering. |
2009 | Marilee J. Wheaton | for contributions to systems engineering for space systems in the areas of engineering economics, resource estimating and engineering education. |
2009 | Hillary G. Sillitto | for contributions to the practice, teaching and understanding of complex systems engineering in industry and government. |
2009 | Gregory S. "Greg" Parnell | for important contributions in education and practice for the formulation and execution of trade studies that maximize stakeholder involvement and impact. |
2009 | Arthur B. "Art" Pyster | for contributing to the practice of systems engineering through implementation, research, and education. |
2009 | Yoshiaki Ohkami | for outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of space strategic systems engineering. |
2008 | Harold W. "Bud" Lawson | for contributions to the systems engineering of computer-based systems, international standards and systems thinking. |
2008 | Ronald S. "Ron" Carson | for developing and introducing advanced requirements theory and methodologies in an industrial setting. |
2008 | Cihan H. Dagli | for contributions in teaching and enhancing the practice of systems engineering in academia and industry. |
2008 | John Boardman | for creating innovative practices and tools that educate and enable systems engineering practitioners. |
2008 | John R. Clymer | for conceiving, engineering and demonstrating modeling and simulation tools for the design of context sensitive systems. |
2008 | F. Stan "Stan" Settles | for contributions in teaching and gaining acceptance of systems engineering in academia, industry and government. |
2007 | Daniel Hastings | for contributions to engineering education and to systems architecting theories and methods especially as applied to space systems. |
2007 | Keith W. Hipel | for significant systems engineering research contributions, especially in the application areas of environmental resources management and sustainable development. |
2007 | Derek K. Hitchins | for evolving the practice of systems engineering toward world-wide application. |
2006 | Stuart Arnold | for contributions to the standards and processes of system engineering. |
2006 | Eduard Igenbergs | for the teaching and mentoring of future systems engineers. |
2006 | Kevin Forsberg | for systems engineering integration insight and leadership in teaching. |
2006 | Fei-Yue Wang | for innovations to the theory and application of intelligent and complex systems. |
2006 | William B. "Bill" Rouse | for systems engineering research and management contributions, especially those involving human and organizational factors. |
2006 | Sarah A. Sheard | for the clarification of problem characteristics, process definition, and associated frameworks. |
2006 | Howard Eisner | for systems engineering management contributions in industry and academia, especially in the leadership of technical organizations. |
2006 | Don P. Clausing | for contributions to the theory and practice of commercial system engineering. |
2005 | Harry E. Crisp | for providing systems engineering leadership and insight for the U.S. Navy. |
2005 | Richard B. "Dick" Wray | for seminal contributions to software and system engineering practices and standards. |
2005 | James E. "Jim" Long | for significant contributions to the development of system engineering tools, and use of system engineering in the intelligence community. |
2005 | Azad M. Madni | for outstanding contribution to the fields of cognitive architectures and modeling and simulation. |
2005 | Ralf Hartmann | for innovative space system design, and the development of space systems process standards. |
2004 | Scott Jackson | for writing the seminal text on the application of systems engineering to commercial aircraft and for leadership and teaching in systems engineering. |
2004 | Alexander H. Levis | for embedding systems engineering into the management of complex programs, for research on architectures and for advancing systems engineering education. |
2004 | Sanford A. "Sandy" Friedenthal | for advancing object-oriented systems engineering methods, and for expanding the UML. |
2004 | Alexander Kossiakoff | for the direction of significant research and development programs and for technical contributions to systems engineering and engineering students. |
2004 | William W. "Bill" Schoening | for innovative application of systems engineering and for concise and effective communication of complex systems engineering concepts. |
2003 | Dorothy McKinney | for contributions to software and systems engineering leadership, management and education. |
2003 | Stanley I. "Stan" Weiss | for systems engineering contributions within industry and government with innovative extension into academia. |
2003 | Erik W. Aslaksen | for fundamental contributions to systems engineering knowledge through practice and education. |
2003 | Jack Ring | for promoting and teaching systems engineering with innovative and provocative challenges based on extensive scholarship. |
2003 | Richard M. "Rich" Harwell | for contributions in instituting and communicating applied knowledge of systems engineering in industry. |
2002 | Dinesh Verma | for seamless creation and dissemination of systems engineering knowledge simultaneously through research, education, and practice. |
2002 | Donna H. Rhodes | for leadership in the practice and implementation of systems engineering with connections to research and education. |
2002 | William F. "Bill" Mackey | for blending systems engineering with principles and practices of jurisprudence and business. |
2001 | Heinz Stoewer | for contributions to systems engineering design, planning and management especially as applied to space systems. |
2001 | David W. "Dave" Oliver | for scholarly contributions to the theory, standards and practice of systems engineering based on models and objects. |
2001 | Dennis M. Buede | for contributions to decision analysis and modeling for the engineering design of systems. |
2001 | Jerome G. "Jerry" Lake | for contributions to the rigor and standards for systems engineering processes. |
2001 | Jeffrey O. "Jeff" Grady | for contributions to professional education for industrial practitioners and for establishing the role of INCOSE as a teaching organization. |
2001 | Mark W. Maier | for advancing the state of the art in systems architecting. |
2000 | Yacov Y. Haimes | for contributions to systems engineering theory and practice in risk assessment and management. |
2000 | William H. "Bill" McCumber Jr. | for contributions as a quintessential industrial leader, especially in education and training of practicing systems engineers. |
2000 | Barry Boehm | for contributions to the principles and practice of software systems engineering. |
2000 | Eberhardt Rechtin | for technical direction and management of large systems engineering projects and for contributions to the field of systems architecting. |
2000 | Brian Mar | for influencing the development of systems engineering as a discipline and a profession and for educating engineers about systems. |
1999 | John R. Velman | for leadership in the management and promotion of systems engineering processes. |
1999 | Elliot I. Axelband | for definitive contributions to the management of systems engineering processes. |
1999 | Wolter J. "Wolt" Fabrycky | for contributions as a remarkable systems engineering scholar, author and teacher; and as a university administrator. |
1998 | George Friedman | for contributions toward the unification of systems engineering processes. |
1998 | Terry A. Bahill | for helping to identify the systems engineering process, and promoting systems engineering research and education. |
1998 | Benjamin S. "Ben" Blanchard | for contributions in systems engineering from a life-cycle perspective with emphasis on reliability, maintainability, and life-cycle cost. |
1998 | Wayne A. Wymore | for pioneering systems engineering education and research on the theory of systems engineering. |
1998 | James N. Martin | for contributions as an author and a teacher, and for leadership in the development of process, methods, and tools. |
1998 | Richard J. Stevens | for advancement of the state of the art, practice, and tools of systems engineering. |
1998 | Andrew P. "Andy" Sage | for seminal contributions as a systems engineering scholar, editor, author, and educator, and as a university administrator. |