James E. Long Post Doctoral Fellowship Award

James E. Long Post Doctoral Fellowship Award

The James E. Long Fellowship supports The INCOSE Foundation SE Global Member Project to make INCOSE resources available to people in geographic areas of the world where the economy prevents such participation.  In the first cohort, access to INCOSE, including membership, participation in Working Groups and access to Certification training and testing is available to faculty/practitioners and students at the University of Lagos and the University of Nairobi.  Your donations to this fund help ensure the continuation of this high-value program.


In December 2010, the INCOSE Washington Metro Area established a fund to honor the memory of longtime member, James E. Long. The name of the fund is the James E. Long Memorial Fund Established with a Lead Gift from the Washington Metro Area Chapter. The award was the stimulus for attracting enough additional contributions to support a yearly Fellowship award of $5,000.The award reflects Jim’s perspective that systems thinking is key to solving the great challenges of our time and addressing the issues and opportunities to come. In a micro sense, the systems perspective is critical to delivering quality products on time and on budget. In a macro sense, the domains of energy, food, water, health and others are all systems problems. Ultimately, by improving systems approaches, we can change the world.

Based on these thoughts, the family of Jim Long decided that the award should support post-doctoral research that has the potential to advance the state of the art in systems thinking or the systems perspective. Another important consideration is how rapidly this research will enable transition to practice or advances the state of the practice of systems engineering.

The vision is that ultimately this award will someday have enough funds to support a substantial INCOSE Prize for breakthrough research in advancing the practice of systems thinking and systems engineering.


Inspire and recognize innovative post doctorate level research that has the potential to produce major improvements in advancing the practice of systems engineering and systems thinking. This award carries a $5,000 grant to post doctoral researchers along with a plaque and recognition at the annual INCOSE Symposium.


  • Advance the state of the practice of systems thinking or the systems perspective.
  • Demonstrate potential for rapid transition from theory to practice especially in improving systems approaches to solving complex problems.
  • Serve as a catalyst for additional research in the area of systems thinking.

Application Process:

  • Each applicant must submit an application package to include complete resume/vitae, a brief bio-sketch, description of the study/research area of interest and a discussion of the contributions and expected outcomes that will benefit applications to advance the state of the practice.
  • Applicants must have two professional references familiar with the applicant's research submit recommendation letters on their behalf outlining the potential benefits and application toward solving complex problems.
  • Completed application forms and references must be received by 1 June of each year. Submissions will be accepted until 1 June for this year.
  • Electronic applications should be sent to[email protected]
  • A panel of INCOSE Fellows will judge the applications and make their recommendation to the INCOSE Foundation Board. The successful applicant will be announced and receive the INCOSE Prize at the International symposium.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Status as someone engaged in promising post-doctoral research at an accredited university or research institute.
  • Applicants seeking the award must submit an application.
  • Applicants may not receive the award more than once.
  • Status as someone engaged in promising post-doctoral research at an accredited university or research institute.
  • Applicants seeking the award must submit an application.
  • Applicants may not receive the award more than once.
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