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Technical program highlights

Practitioner’s Challenge | Industry Tracks

Practitioner's Challenge

Applying Systems Thinking and System of Systems Engineering to Environmental Problems

The 2017 International Symposium Project Team is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Practitioner’s Challenge. The purpose of the Challenge is to engage Symposium participants in a collaborative manner to demonstrate how systems engineering can be used to address and support solutions to global, sociotechnical issues. For the 2017 Practitioner’s Challenge, the focus will be on the application of systems thinking methods and systems of systems principles to a major environmental challenge.

What is the Practitioner’s Challenge?

A chance to get together to with fellow symposium participants to practice applying systems approaches – this year systems thinking and system of systems – to a broad socio-technical problem. It’s an opportunity to explore an interesting problem space and work with symposium attendees you might not otherwise meet.

Why should I participate?

The primary objectives for participants of the Practitioner’s Challenge are:

  • Let participants collaborate on a sociotechnical problem;
  • Demonstrate the value of applying systems thinking and system of systems approaches to these types of problems;
  • Gain new insights into the applications of systems thinking/system of systems approaches by interacting with a wide variety of systems engineers: new INCOSE members, members from defense, aerospace, and a range of other domains; and
  • Create a series of artifacts that can be used by participants and by INCOSE to demonstrate the value of system engineering approaches.
Who Can Participate in the Challenge?

The Practitioner’s Challenge is open to all who are registered for IS2017. However, the maximum number of participants will be 40, so if you are interested, it’s best to sign up when you register. The Practitioner’s Challenge team will include as many of those interested as possible and we will send a confirmation notification to all of those who apply before June 15, 2017.

What Do I Need to Do?
  • Register for the challenge when you register for the International Symposium.
  • Attend 2 webinars prior to the conference (or watch the recordings at a convenient time). Webinars are scheduled for:
    • May 17 at noon EDT – Systems Thinking, presented by Robert Edson (MITRE)
    • June 21 at noon EDT – System of Systems Engineering, presenter TBD
  • Join fellow participants during a few sessions of the conference technical track (there is flexibility here).

Registrants will be provided additional information prior to the conference.

For more information on the Practitioner’s Challenge, contact Nicole Hutchison ([email protected])

Industry Tracks at the INCOSE International Symposium

One of the unique features of INCOSE is its cross-industry membership and attendance at the IS. This provides opportunities to get an ”outside the box” insight to how others practice Systems Engineering and how you can tailor SE for your situation. Equally, you may also want to meet other industry colleagues and learn how SE is applied within your industry.

For those delegates with interest in specific industries, we have compiled a set of “virtual tracks” indicating a recommended set of papers, panels, roundtables and working group sessions that are relevant for the specific industries. This year we have produced downloadable flyers for the Automotive, Healthcare and Transportation industries – see www.incose.org/symp2017/contact/downloads. It is also possible to apply industry-specific filters to each day shown on the Event Schedule to see what may be of specific interest from specific industries.

As a learning organisation, we encourage delegates to learn from each other and find out how other people are doing their SE, and the virtual tracks are a great starting point for this.