INCOSE Crossroads of America: The INCOSE Symposium Paper Collection: What Does It Tell Us About the Discipline?

The INCOSE Symposium Paper Collection: What Does It Tell Us About the Discipline?

11 June 2024 at 6:15PM Eastern Standard Time (US)

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To gain insights into the discipline of systems engineering, bibliometric analysis was performed on the text corpus of the abstracts from symposium papers of two different eras of the INCOSE symposium and of the sources cited in symposium papers of seven different eras. The eras were decided based on periods of change throughout the 33 years of the symposium. Co-occurrence analysis was performed using VOSviewer, which is a software application that identifies pairs of terms from the abstracts of papers and connects them. This analysis found terms that occur together across multiple abstracts by applying a natural language processing algorithm that identified the terms and formed clusters of terms that are strongly related to each other. This process identified systems engineering trends in each era. Finally, bibliographic coupling analysis and co-citation analysis was performed using VOSviewer. A bibliographic coupling link is a link between two papers that both cite the same source. A co-citation link is a link between two sources that are both cited by the same paper. The coupling analysis reflected prominent events and trends that appeared in systems engineering throughout the eras. The co-citation revealed information about the classification of authors contributing to symposium papers.

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