INCOSE Michigan: Feature Space: Integrating Value, Purpose, Mission, Risk, and Variation

Feature Space: Integrating Value, Purpose, Mission, Risk, and Variation
Wednesday 29 May 2024 at 6PM EST

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Model-based systems engineering offers the possibility of clarity of models that powered the scientific revolution. Among the surprising results of this is realization that, for appropriately structured models, some seemingly separate aspects of engineering can be combined into a simpler integrated representation. Engineers are accustomed to thinking of mission engineering, stakeholder needs analysis, requirements engineering, optimization of design, performing risk analysis, and engineering of product line variants as a series of related but different subjects that collectively add up to a complex problem. However, in this talk we will summarize some implications of the question “What is the smallest model of a system?”, for purposes of engineering and science across life cycles. We will take a look at Feature Space, how it reduces degrees of freedom to give a clearer integrated view of system value, purpose, risk, and varied configuration, along with SysML realization of this approach.

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