A better world through a systems approach.

The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the transdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. INCOSE is designed to connect systems engineering professionals with educational, networking, and career-advancement opportunities in the interest of developing the global community of systems engineers and systems approaches to problems. We are also focused on producing state-of-the-art work products that support and enhance this discipline’s visibility in the world.

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News and Highlights

AIAA and INCOSE Wasatch Co-sponsor 3rd Annual August is for Aerospace Event

Aug 15, 2019, 09:44 AM by Charlie Vono
For the third year in a row the local AIAA and INCOSE co-sponsored our “August is for Aerospace” event on Thursday, August 8, at the Roosters in Layton. As in previous years, we invited VIPs from Northern Utah businesses, universities, and government organizations. Then we mixed in local aerospace and systems engineers for a stimulating night of informal networking and formal discussions.
For the third year in a row the local AIAA and INCOSE co-sponsored our “August is for Aerospace” event on Thursday, August 8, at the Roosters in Layton. As in previous years, we invited VIPs from Northern Utah businesses, universities, and government organizations. Then we mixed in local aerospace and systems engineers for a stimulating night of informal networking and formal discussions.

After about an hour of informal chatter, each VIP was invited to spend a few minutes offering their perspective on the topic of the evening: "Fishing for Talent". This helped the crowd of 35 to get an overview of who the VIPs were and what was on their minds.

For instance, it was recognized that the organizations are all competing for the same talent in Utah. Some felt engineers changing employers is healthy for the overall community. Participation in the overall engineering community and professional societies vs individual companies was also a common theme. One elected representative encouraged those in the room to run for political office in a time when technology is a big topic at the State Legislature. Local universities are always very interested in feedback so that they are preparing their students for what is needed on day one. They also emphasized that there are advanced degree and certificate programs that cater to full time professionals.

The evening concluded with another full hour of networking among the participants, but now based on topics and positions that we heard about during the more formal discussions. It was a stimulating evening well worth the effort. We look forward to next year.

August is for Aerospace 03
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Mission Engineering in Early Stage R&D

Webinar 179: Typical Pitfalls and Key Principles of Generative AI in Technical Disciplines

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