Attend GLRC11 at an SE PDD Site – Friday, 13 Oct 2017!
Initiating the second decade of successful Systems Engineering (SE) conferences in the Great Lakes region, GLRC11 will have featured presentations from SE thought leaders and papers from SE practitioners and academia on important SE topics.
Building upon last year's conference, GLRC11 will again feature an INCOSE SE Professional Development Day (SE PDD). The SE PDD will be a virtual extension of the conference, with featured sessions broadcast to several satellite sites on Friday the 13th of October.
This Year’s SE PDD Program will Feature:

Sigma Theta Mu Lecture by David Long (ESEP), Vitech and INCOSE Past President
8 Technical Presentations
Networking with local systems engineering professionals
Where can I Participate?
Hosted by INCOSE Chapters, we currently have nine satellite SE PDD sites across the USA:
If you are not able to join us in Bloomington, Minnesota, click the active links to register for an SE PDD site near you!
Download the GLRC11 SE PDD Agenda pdf
Download the GLRC11 SE PDD Flyer pdf
For questions and comments, please contact:
Satellite Sites Co-chair
Gary Houchin-Miller
[email protected]