When / Where
We thank all our GLRC11 Sponsors, conference attendees, SE PDD participants and our core team for making this a very successful conference. Browse the Program tab for keynote speakers and presentations. Presentations and tutorials are available for download for INCOSE members and attendees here.
The chapters of the INCOSE Great Lakes Region invite you to participate in the 11th Annual INCOSE Great Lakes Regional Conference (GLRC11) at Crowne Plaza AiRE Hotel, Bloomington, Minnesota. GLRC11 will feature important topics from critical sectors such as aerospace, agriculture, automotive, biomedical & healthcare, defense, education, energy, government, information, infrastructure, safety & security, space, and transportation.
Building upon last year’s conference, GLRC11 will again feature an INCOSE SE Professional Development Day (SE PDD). The SE PDD will be a virtual extension of the conference, with the featured sessions broadcast from Minnesota to several satellite sites on Friday the 13th of October. New this year will be STEM demonstrations from area youth during the conference banquet reception and a full-day Systems Literacy Workshop on Saturday.
We thank all our sponsors for their strong support in making GLRC11 possible - Visit Our 2017 Sponsors
Discover Spoonbridge and Cherry in Minneapolis, Minnesota This Year’s Program Featured:
5 Keynote and Featured Speakers
29 Technical Presentations
3 Panel Sessions
5 Tutorials
Full-day Systems Literacy Workshop
An Opportunity to Take the INCOSE CSEP/ASEP Exam (Free for GLRC11 Attendees!)
STEM Demonstrations
Sponsors and Exhibitors Showcasing Products and Services
Region-Wide SE Professional Development Day (9 satellite sites across the USA)

GLRC11 Live broadcast from Twin Cities to nation wide Our Keynote and Featured Speakers - Visit GLRC11 Agenda
To Register for GLRC11 Conference - Visit Registration page
For details on presenters speakers, tutorials, workshops - see Abstracts page
Learn more about SE Professional Development Day - visit SE PDD page
Download GLRC11 General Flyer pdf
Download GLRC11 SE PDD Flyer pdf