WFEO-INCOSE Empowering Engineering Disciplines Through Systems Engineering

Working Group Purpose & Mission

The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) is the global organization for the engineering profession. Under the auspices of UNESCO, WFEO brings together national engineering institutions from some 100 nations and represents more than 30 million engineers.


WFEO aims to promote the role of engineering in achieving UN sustainable development goals

INCOSE together with WFEO can play a pivotal role in this effort by incorporating systems thinking and systems engineering into the pursuit of the SDGs, ensuring that the engineering approach is holistic, sustainable, and adaptable to the complexities of today’s world. 

Establishing this WFEO-INCOSE Systems Engineering Working Group will support WFEO’s strategic goals by promoting best practices, fostering innovation, and facilitating the integration of systems engineering principles across various disciplines.

Transformation Enablers

TechOps Domain






Bernardo Delicado


Garima Bhatia


[email protected]


A white paper on awareness and knowledge other engineering disciplines have about systems engineering, based on a survey of WFEO members. The paper will map identifying domains, challenges, and geographical areas where systems engineering could enhance the work already being done by other engineering disciplines in government, industry, and academia.

The WG will aim to present the White Paper to WFEO members through webinars, at important events such as the WFEO annual meetings, WFEO/UN Engineering Day and, if opportunity arises, at the UN STI Forum held in May each year in New York.


Viva Engage is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

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