Using systems engineering to innovate profitable new mass markets
The New Venture Innovation Charter is to advance and disseminate the theory and practice of applying systems engineering to new venture creation, with a view to reducing the time, risk and cost of building enduring, profitable companies that bring new functionality into the world.
The NVI Working Group aims to align with the INCOSE 2035 vision, and, in particular, to move the needle on the following goals:
Thomas Manuel
Erik Simanis
Activities relating to best practices for applying systems engineering principles, tools and practices to new venture creation, where a “new venture” is one that aspires to bring new functionality to a target group of people or organizations and for which there is no existing profitable business model to copy or reference.
This includes applying systems engineering to;
Our working group doesn't cover;
To expand and promote the body of knowledge of systems engineering as applied to venture creation and its benefits to corporate innovation and entrepreneurship more broadly.
Specifically, the group aims to:
Currently identified projects:
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