Improving the practice of Systems Engineering through development and adoption of competency management approaches
The aim of the INCOSE Competency Working Group is to improve the practice of Systems Engineering through further development and adoption of competency management approaches.
Clifford Whitcomb
Lori Zipes
The following is considered in scope for the Competency WG.
The specific goal(s) for the Competency WG include:
1. Evolve to a globally accepted and marketed standard competency framework and assessment guide, tailorable to the needs of the customer organizations.
2. Create a globally accepted and marketed standard assessment instrument/tool, tailorable to the needs of the customer organizations, once validated, may be used for selection, filtering, and screening of candidates for SE job positions and placing the "right person to the right job". (Stretch goal for future).
During IW 2024 we heard briefings from both Boeing and Saab on their efforts to implement the INCOSE Competency Framework and Assessment Guide into their organizations. There was rich discussion about the value of the Framework and Guide for assessing workforce needs and current capabilities. We also got a look at the recently completed SysML model of our framework and guide and discussed how to make the model of greatest value to INCOSE members and corporations. There is notable overlap with INCOSE PDP efforts so we will continue these discussions and plans over the months ahead. Care has been taken to ensure the model will be able to transition to SysML V2 with minimal issue.
We identified four primary tasks for the coming months:
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