The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of INCOSE Singapore Chapter was held on March 22, 2017 where the new chapter management committee for the period of year 2017 – 2019 was elected. Mr. Yip Yew Seng, the previous President-Elect, automatically assumed the role of the new chapter President succeeding Mr. Serge Landry.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of INCOSE Singapore Chapter was held on March 22, 2017 where the new chapter management committee for the period of year 2017 – 2019 was elected. Mr. Yip Yew Seng, the previous President-Elect, automatically assumed the role of the new chapter President succeeding Mr. Serge Landry.
The new chapter management committee members are Dr. Liew Pak San as President-Elect, Mr. Tham Ming Wah as Secretary, Mr. Jean Lancelin as Treasurer, Mr. Ramesan Panicker as Programme Chair, Mr. Diego Abas as Communications Chair, Mr. Clement Lee as Membership Chair, while Mr. Serge Landry and Mr. Toh Meng Seng were elected as Committee Member.

The new elected Chapter Management Committee (2017 – 2019), from left to right: Mr. Toh Meng Seng, Dr. Liew Pak San, Mr. Diego Abas, Mr. Ramesan Panicker, Mr. Jean Lancelin, Mr. Yip Yew Seng, Mr. Serge Landry, Mr. Tham Ming Wah