Webinar 171: Appropriate Requirements: Writing Requirements at the Proper Level

Appropriate Requirements: Writing Requirements at the Proper Level

Wednesday, 21 February 2024 from 11:00am-12:00pm EST (16:00-17:00 UTC) 

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Speaker: Todd Wohling


The INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (SEH), Fifth Edition section on System Requirements Definition Process (Section contains tables with requirements characteristics for individual requirement statements (Table 2.7) and for sets of requirements (Table 2.8). Among the characteristics for individual requirement statements is “Appropriate”. Appropriate is defined as follows: The specific intent and amount of detail of the requirement statement is appropriate to the level of the entity to which it refers.

This presentation examines 4 Case Studies for appropriateness. The first case study is from the civilian aerospace industry in the US. The other 3 Case Studies are from Norway. One is from defense acquisitions, and the other 2 are from civilian transportation. Each case describes the number of top-level requirements, a snapshot of the total contract value, and overall number of architectural abstractions for comparison purposes. Each case study will be examined to compare and contrast the top-level requirements and how those requirements were decomposed into the lower-level architectural abstractions. Included in the discussion are the personal reflections of the presenter and his experiences on the projects represented in the case studies.


Todd Wohling is a Senior Systems Engineering Specialist with Intech AS in Sandvika, Norway. He has a BS in Physics and Mathematics from University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Todd has worked in SE in USA and Norway since Jan 2001 on a variety of projects in Aerospace, Defense, Civilian Rail, Oil and Gas, and Infrastructure.

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