INCOSE New Zealand: May Meeting

Meeting Title: INCOSE NZ May Meet-up: "Systems Engineering State of Play in Transport for NSW"
Speaker(s)Jessica Rose
Date: Tuesday, 16 May 2023
Venue: Virtual
: 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM NZT


Meeting Description:
INCOSE NZ is happy to present Richard Fullalove from Transport for New South Wales and his talk, "Systems Engineering State of Play in Transport for NSW". Be sure to register at the Zoom link above to get your invite!

5:15 - Meeting Opens
5:15-5:30: Introductions
5:30-5:40: INCOSE NZ updates & chapter business
5:40-6:30: Presentation
6:30: Adjourn

Abstract: This topic presents the current state of play of the practice and capability maturity of Systems Engineering in Transport for NSW. It identifies the organisational structure and governance arrangements for SE, the range of standards and guidance available to SE practitioners within TfNSW and our supply chain Technically Assurance Organisations. It identifies key working groups and communities of practice tasked to either develop SE capability (WGs) or to share lessons and sustain SE learning and capability (CoPs) as well as training. It discusses the need for practical scaling and tailoring of SE across a broad spectrum of system types and associated delivery projects of widely varying novelty, complexity and risk. It identifies the suite of SE tools, methods and processes used across all transport modes. It discusses the emergence of model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) as the way forward from traditional document-based SE, and how it has been successfully applied on certain projects to date. It discusses the emergence of resilience, in particular asset or system resilience against climate and human-induced risks, as a key issue that can best be addressed using systems thinking and the SE approach. Finally it discusses the increasing adoption of SE in non-rail transport modes such as motorways, and compares rail and road to identify similarities and differences.

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