Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Judi See, Applying the Human Readiness Level (HRL) Scale in the SE Process

Ann Hodges
[email protected]

This presentation describes the Human Readiness Level (HRL) scale and its application in the systems engineering process. The HRL scale is a simple nine-level scale designed to complement and supplement the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale in order to evaluate, track, and communicate the readiness of a system for safe and effective human use. Application of the HRL scale ensures proper attention to human systems design throughout design and development to minimize or prevent human error. The HRL scale was codified into a formal technical standard and approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) in September 2021. The Joint Human Systems Integration (HSI) Steering Committee under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (OUSD) is currently working on a proposed path forward for Department of Defense (DOD) adoption of the standard. The standard is also being applied to ongoing Army and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) work. A complimentary copy of the HFES 400-2021 standard can be downloaded at https://my.hfes.org/online-store/publications.

Dr. Judi See has worked as a human factors engineer and systems analyst at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, since 2010. Before coming to the labs, she worked for 16 years as a DOD contractor, primarily supporting rapid acquisition for the Air Force. Dr. See has a doctorate degree in Experimental Psychology (Human Factors) as well as master’s degrees in Experimental Psychology (Human Factors) and Systems Engineering. She also has professional certification in human factors and ergonomics from the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE). Dr. See has published research in the areas of vigilance, signal detection theory, target detection, visual inspection, workload, and human readiness levels.

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