INCOSE/GfSE Webinar 5: Lessons Learned of the introduction of Systems Engineering

Meeting Title: Lessons Learned of the introduction of Systems Engineering
Presenter Names: Daria Wilke and Lukas Bretz
Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 
Time EDT: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm EST (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm UTC; 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm CET) 

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Daria Wilke and Lukas Bretz

The product development of intelligent technical systems (ITS) is increasingly challenging due to rising complexity, interdisciplinarity and shorter development cycles. With Systems Engineering companies can overcome these challenges. Many companies have recognized the potential for Systems Engineering and are moving to embed it company-wide.

One question that arises again and again in introduction projects is: What is the ideal way to start a Systems Engineering introduction?

The research project SE4OWL, Systems Engineering for OWL1, addresses this question. To find answers, the approach of qualitative research was chosen. In July and August 2021, an interview study took place. Fifteen Systems Engineering experts from all over Germany were interviewed. The experts come from the fields of research, consulting and industry and have many years of experience in Systems Engineering. In the interview, they reflected on Systems Engineering projects they had carried out. In particular, the topics of processes, roles, methods, and tools were addressed, as well as the topic of qualification.

In this webinar we will present our approach and provide insights into the results of the qualitative interview study:

  • Which Lessons Learned on Systems Engineering implementation were increasingly mentioned in the interviews?
  • Is it possible to make a recommendation on what to start with?
    Or is a Systems Engineering implementation depending on certain factors?
  • What were the learnings on already implemented implementation projects?
  • This will be followed by a quantitative study.

Finding and propagating best practices for the introduction of Systems Engineering contributes to the INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2035 by enabling an increasing growth of the Systems Engineering application within all domains. Increasing numbers of experts will in turn improve the available good practices, increasing the added value of Systems Engineering even further.

Take Away Message
If you are struggling with the introduction of Systems Engineering and are wondering how to proceed, you can learn the tips and tricks of Systems Engineering experts from Germany in our presentation. If you also have Systems Engineering experience, you can share it during the webinar and support our subsequent quantitative research survey. We are looking forward to your participation.

[1] Intelligent Technical Systems OstWestfalenLippe

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