Nineteenth Practical Software and Systems Measurement (PSM) Users’ Group Workshop

Crystal City , US

PSM Users Group Conference - INCOSE sponsored track

“Fundamental Measurement Principles: The Basis for Advanced Engineering Decision Information”

As systems become larger, more complex, and more interoperable, systems and software engineering has to adapt to address needs for agility, resilience, and digital environments.  At this year’s PSM Users’ Group, attendees will have the opportunity to share measurement experiences and ideas in the areas of agile, cybersecurity and resilience, modular open system approaches, digital engineering and artifacts, system-of-systems, affordability, data analytics, software sustainment cost estimation, and cost estimation.

The PSM Users’ Group provides the opportunity for PSM users and measurement practitioners to share experiences in issue-driven measurement and learn about changes in the measurement community through attendee presentations.  Attendees will also participate in workshops that provide a foundation for measurement in new engineering areas.  Measurement users and measurement professionals from DoD, government, and industry are encouraged to attend. 

If you are interested in speaking at the Users’ Group, or leading a workshop, please provide an abstract by 10 May 2018 to [email protected]

Download the flyer: PSMUG Call For Speakers for more details including: cost, location, schedule.

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