Systems Summit on Critical Problem Definitions at IS17, Sunday, 16-July

Rick Dove
[email protected]

IS17 will feature an all-day Systems Summit on Sunday, 16 July – where four critical topics will be discussed in collaborative exchange. This event is a joint effort between two working groups: Systems Science and Agile Systems & Systems Engineering.

IS17 will feature an all-day Systems Summit on Sunday, 16 July – where four critical topics will be discussed in collaborative exchange. This event is a joint effort between two working groups: Systems Science and Agile Systems & Systems Engineering. There will be a $50 participation fee to partially cover lunch and coffee breaks. Participants can sign up for the event when they register.

Abstract: Structured as a collaborative exchange, rather than SME presentations, multiple collaborative discussions will investigate selected unresolved issues of pressing interest – with the intent of understanding the problem space requirements sufficiently to drive post-Summit solution-project work. In the spirit of a Summit, participants will share their perceptions of impediments to recognition of the issue, outline requirements for mutually compelling solutions, and plan follow-on project work. The intent of these discussions is to develop a multi-perspective understanding of the problem space, identifying the fundamental requirements that broadly embraceable solutions must address – not just in technical requirements, but importantly in social and organizational requirements. What impedes the realization of the problem and the commitment to attention and solution – and how to overcome those impediments. Four topics have been selected for parallel break outs, with participants choosing which one to engage with:

  • What blocks and enables integrating project management and systems engineering?
  • What impedes and enables “capability” appreciation and development during business or mission needs analysis?
  • What prevents and promotes broad appreciation and respect for systems engineering?
  • What are the organizational challenges and opportunities for transforming to a systems engineering culture?

08:00-08:30 – Opening intros, agenda, review of the day’s ConOps
08:30-09:00 – Four short topic intros.
09:00-11:30 – Four parallel topic breakouts.
11:30-12:00 – Structured brief outs on morning topic results
12:00-13:00 – Lunch
13:00-15:30 – Multiple parallel topic breakouts (continuation of morning activity)
15:30-16:00 – Structured brief outs on afternoon’s topic results
16:00-17:00 – Open retrospective on, and evaluation of, the day’s activities

Questions can be directed to [email protected] and/or James Martin at [email protected].

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