C-NO Chapter Meeting May 2017

Westlake , USA
27333 Center Ridge Road
Katie Trase

Presentation by John Fitch on: All Faults are Decision Faults - and How to Prevent Them

Topic:  All Faults are Decision Faults - and How to Prevent Them

Presenter:  John Fitch

Registration Required:  Register Here via EventBrite
Tickets are $9, to cover the cost of pizza, being ordered from  from Sweet Basil Neapolitan Style Pizzeria

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Abstract:   Systems Engineers own the decisions that create the future. With that amazing responsibility comes the risk of failure. All system failures are ultimately decision failures. If you do root cause analysis on any failure by asking "What caused the cause?" you will eventually arrive at:
- A decision overlooked
- A decision poorly made
- A decision poorly implemented

This talk will elaborate on these decision failure modes and illustrate three methods to prevent them:
- A robust, proactive Decision Management methodology
- The use of Decision Patterns to frame the problem space
- The maintenance of Decision-to-Everything Traceability

Process change is hard and quick wins are essential, so shortcuts to build these capabilities into your Systems Engineering process will be explored.

Presenter Bio:  John Fitch is the President/CTO of Decision Driven® Solutions, a consulting firm that provides advanced methods, tools and consulting services in the areas of Business Strategy, Technology Management, Systems Engineering and Product Development. John has over 30 years of experience in Systems Engineering, engineering management and methods consulting. He is a leading innovator in the fields of Requirements Management, Decision Management and Strategic Roadmapping and has been certified as an Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP). He is the creator of the Decision Driven® Strategy/Design methodology which has been applied to accelerate solution development across a wide range of industries. Most recently, John has led the design and development of the Integrated Systems Engineering Framework (ISEF) for the U.S. Army and its recent spin-off as the Decision Driven® Solutions Framework for the commercial marketplace.

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