Jack Stein
Jack Stein is a Systems Engineer, INCOSE Assistant Director, Americas Sector (Great Lakes Region Rep.), member of the INCOSE Healthcare WG, member of the INCOSE Biomedical Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Team, Co-Chair of the INCOSE Risk Management WG, and member of the INCOSE-PMI Alliance Team. He is also a Past-President of the INCOSE Michigan Chapter. Mr. Stein has over 30 years of engineering program experience in the Automotive and Medical Device industries, and has served as a U.S. technical expert developing numerous international (ISO, SAE, ZVEI) standards. He has BSEE and Bachelor of Commerce degrees from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and studied Quality, Reliability and Systems Engineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, as a recipient of the Ford Motor Company Masters Fellowship Award.