| Garry Roedler, ESEP, INCOSE President Elect |
Garry Roedler is a Senior Fellow and the Engineering Outreach Program Manager for Lockheed Martin and the President-elect for the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). He has over 32 years of systems engineering (SE) experience that spans the full life cycle and includes technical leadership roles in both programs and business functions. He is also an INCOSE Fellow, holds systems engineering certification at the Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) level, and received the INCOSE Founders Award. Garry has held key leadership roles in several industry associations and standards development organizations, including chair of the IEEE Joint Working Group for DoD SE Standardization; editor of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Systems Life Cycle Processes and several other standards; and key editor roles for the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) and the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook. This unique set of roles has enabled Garry to influence the technical co-evolution and consistency of these key Systems Engineering and System of Systems resources.