Venue and accommodation
Reservation is open.
All activities for the International Symposium will take place at the Grand Hyatt Washington. A limited number of guestrooms will be available for INCOSE International Symposium attendees at the special group room rate of $215 per night or $175 per night Government Rate.
The rates are subject to ANY applicable taxes (currently 14.5%), applicable service fees in effect at the time of the event.
The hotel has extended the Group rate for arrivals up to three days prior to the conference and three days after the conclusion of the conference based on availability.
Reservations will be accepted at the group rate until Tuesday, June 5, 2018 or until the group block is filled, whichever occurs first. After this date, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis only and the group rate may not be offered.
A limited number of guestrooms are available at the prevailing government rate, if requested at the time you make your reservation. Please note that appropriate documentation (US federal government ID) is required upon check-in.
Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and checkout time is 12:00 noon.
The cancellation policy is 72 hours prior to arrival date. Any cancellation made les than 72 hours out will be charged a cancellation fee of one night's room and tax.
We encourage you to book your reservations early using the links below.
Reservations will open soon.
A credit card will be required to guarantee your reservation.
Make a reservation at the group rate
Make a reservation at Government rate
You may also contact the hotel directly to make your room reservation. Please make sure to indicate INCOSE Group to benefit from the INCOSE rate.
Grand Hyatt Washington
1000 H Street NW - Washington, DC 20001 - USA
Tel.+1 202 582 1234