Premier Systems Engineering Workshop

Frequently Asked Questions

What is INCOSE?

INCOSE is the International Council on Systems Engineering. Information about the history of the organization, its mission and objectives can be found on the website at

What is the INCOSE workshop?

INCOSE's International Workshop is the event of the year for systems engineers to contribute to the state of the art. Unlike INCOSE's annual International Symposium and other conferences, there are no paper, panel or tutorial presentations. Instead, attendees spend 3 focused days working alongside fellow systems engineers who are there to make a difference. Systems Engineers at all levels and from all backgrounds are encouraged to engage in working sessions, and contribute their knowledge and experience to take the discipline forward.

When and where is the workshop this year?

IW2021 will be completely virtual, 29-31 January, 2021.

Who can attend the workshop?

The workshop is open to members, and non-members are encouraged to join INCOSE prior to attending the IW.

Virtual event registration costs rationale

Running virtual events with parallel streams is different from running virtual meetings. We are working hard to ensure that when you attend IW2021, it is clear that you are at a premier event, not just a teleconference.
Part of the value of the IW is the value of participating in the technical program as well as townhalls and the marketplace – and the value of this content had not diminished, even though it is being presented virtually.
Similar technical organizations that have switched their events from live to virtual due to the current situation are offering discounts anywhere from 0%-50%. Many are around the 30% mark in comparison to their physical events. We worked hard to create a Virtual IW rate that is more than 65% below the regular rates for the in-person IW. There is a misconception that virtual events are free to run. While the costs associated with a virtual event are less than with an in-person event, there are still costs which must be covered.
The benefit of profit from events is that they are reinvested back into the current activities of INCOSE and future initiatives as required for a not-for profit organization. We could not offer our continuing service to our members without doing so. We invest in support to working groups, Standards, tools, web services, membership engagement, events, product development, sponsorship, and STEM programs, just to name a few of these items. For the Virtual IW, the registration rates created were intended to take all of these factors into account.

How much does workshop registration cost?

Registration includes three days of access to a series of true workshops and mini-events, Town Halls, briefings on INCOSE products and working group meetings.
INCOSE members receive a discount on their registration fees. For more information visit the registration fees webpage.
Questions about registration should be directed to [email protected].

When can I register?

Online registration is open. visit the registration fees webpage.
Additional questions about the registration process should be directed to [email protected].

When will the program be available?

The program is forming according to members/WGs submitting their meetings & workshops. These focused workshop sessions will include small group breakouts, interspersed mini-presentations, interactive dialog, and input from multiple areas of expertise to produce key outcomes and decisions (e.g. advance a product, create a new product, broaden knowledge). Stay tuned!

What is the time zone for the virtual IW2021?

During the 3 official days, workshops, meetings, townhalls, plenaries will be focused on Central European Time zone (7am to 11pm).
However, WGs are able to leverage other times based on their own activities & availability.

What is the difference between an open and closed meeting at the IW and IS?

INCOSE values transparency in all its actions and activities. An open meeting is one in which you can just drop in and start contributing to the work of the participants - in true workshop style. Closed meetings are those with a focused agenda and an audience qualified to address the agenda. In many cases, you can reach out to the chair of a meeting in advance - either to join the group or to observe. In some cases, it may be inappropriate; for example, the CAB is for corporate members; the CAG is the advisory group for Certification discussing sensitive topics where the meeting must be closed to protect the integrity of the process and the certification.

Is there a standardized measure of conference hours for INCOSE continuing education requirements?

Participants in INCOSE’s International Workshop (IW) and International Symposium (IS) may claim Professional Development Units (PDUs) toward their renewal as Associate Systems Engineering Professionals (ASEPs) and Certified Systems Engineering Professionals (CSEPs). IW participation counts toward the category of “Attend non-peer-reviewed Professional Technical Society event,” for which they may claim a maximum of 30 PDUs in a renewal period. IS participation counts toward the category of “Attend peer-reviewed Professional Technical Society event,” for which there is no maximum in a renewal period. Working group meetings outside of the IW and IS count toward the category of “Participate on Professional Technical Society working groups, committees, etc.” for which there is no maximum in a renewal period. All activities should be claimed according to the number of hours of participation, rounded to the nearest quarter hour, with one hour equaling 1 PDU. More information on INCOSE Certification renewal is posted at