
Contact & Organization

Organization team:
Mari van de Ven - Overall Project Leader, Coordination with RWS, LEF Future Centre, Huis van Verbeelding
Dick Terleth - Program Committee
Wim van der Woerdt - Program Committee
Jan Kapelle - Finance and Program Committee
Marjolein Vissers (Techwatch) - Location, Administration, Mobile-App, Website, Social event, Marketing
Ger Schoeber - Website, Social Media

For questions regarding the EMEA WS 2019 organization, please use: [email protected]
Phone +31 24 350 35 32 (Techwatch events)

For questions regarding INCOSE-NL, the Dutch INCOSE chapter:
Postbus 1058
3860 BB Nijkerk
The Netherlands
[email protected]
Phone +31 33 247 34 78