

Welcome to INCOSE’s Professional Development Portal (PDP).  The PDP is a comprehensive solution for Systems Engineers and other professionals who want to enhance their systems engineering knowledge and skills.  Everyone will be able to use it, but INCOSE members and CAB Associates will have access to features that non-members don’t, including online courses, textbooks, articles, and videos.

PDP DISCLAIMER:  “The presence of learning resources on the Professional Development Portal (PDP) does not represent INCOSE’s endorsement, nor does the absence of any learning resources known to the user imply they are not endorsed by INCOSE.”

The preferred browsers for the PDP are Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

The PDP doesn't publish learning resources.  The PDP is a knowledge portal that provides access to it's learning resources.

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PDP Operational Status

The PDP has reached it's Full Operational Capability (FOC) V1.0+ with the following capabilities: 
> Basic competency self-assessments using the INCOSE Systems Engineering Competency Framework (ISECF)
> Browsing & searching the content catalog for Learning Resource Results Cards
> Storing learning resources on your bookshelf
> Providing feedback
> Learning resources in different languages
> Supporting pages for the PDP supporting other areas of INCOSE 

The Professional Development Portal is an index of learning resources for systems engineers, produced by INCOSE and other providers. 

The PDP has reached it's Full Operational Capability (FOC) V2.0 with the following additional capabilities:

> Detailed competency self-assessments using the Systems Engineering Competency Assessment Guide (SECAG)

> New supporting page for the MindEdge E-Learning courses for overall / non-systems engineering professional development

> 3 new My Bookshelf pages ("Added," "In Progress," and "Completed") with the ability for members and CAB associates to move their Learning Resource Results Cards among the pages

> Once browsing and searching is completed, the ability for members and CAB associates to sort their results by title (A to Z & Z to A) and publication date (oldest to newest and newest to oldest)


Systems Engineering Content Search

(With the Google Search, you will be searching outside the PDP Content Catalog - search areas include incose.org, SEBOK, BKCase and OMG MBSE Wiki)

Trending Learning Resources (as of June 2022)


Competency Self-Assessment


Browsing the Content Catalog


My bookself

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