Sustainability in a world influenced by a Pandemic

Frequently Asked Questions

What is INCOSE?

INCOSE is the International Council on Systems Engineering. Information about the history of the organization, its mission, and objectives can be found on the website at

Who can attend the EMEAWS?

The EMEAWS is an open event and everyone who registers and pays their registration fees is welcome to attend.

When can I register?

Registration will open in June 2021.

EMEAWS2021 will be an INCOSE hybrid event. What does it mean?

We encourage everyone to join us in Sevilla (Spain) for the workshop and enjoy our world-class content and networking opportunities. However, we recognize that particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, travel will likely not be possible for all. We will offer some virtual experiences, including some event sessions. We are examining ways to help those who attend in person and those who attend from the comforts of home to interact and network together, further building on the virtual experience.

Travel to Spain

Passport & Visa - Some travelers to Spain must hold a valid visa and a passport that is valid six months longer than the intended visit. If you need an invitation letter, please send a request by mail to [email protected]. Due to the pandemic situation, some restrictions may apply. For details, please check with your embassy.

Is there a theme for EMEAWS2021?

“Sustainability in a world influenced by a Pandemic”
A recent example of a world event that caused disruptions to many people across the globe is the attacks of American facilities on 11.9 2021. As a result we have been gradually experiencing changes to traveling routines, security measures, surveillance, etc.
The current Covid-19 pandemic raises similar questions such as: How to be sustainable? How to proceed under this pandemic and in its aftermath? How will our systems radically change due to this world situation? Already we perceive some noticeable adjustments as follows:

  • We work remotely and need good communication, digital tools, connectedness, sharing, and caring when not meeting in person
  • The high-speed development of a vaccine opens questions of methods and overall safety to the population
  • Public transportation is used less or with less capacity. How will this impact post-pandemic transport systems?
  • Education, children learning from home? Virtual teaching? Do we understand the potential long-term consequences for higher education and post education career performance?
  • How do INCOSE “working groups” relate to this and other changes and how will this impact systems engineering for the future?