Hampton Roads Chapter

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Welcome to the Hampton Roads Chapter

The purpose of the Chapter  is to foster the definition, understanding, and practice of Systems Engineering in industry, academia, and government. 

The objectives of the Chapter  through affiliation with INCOSE are to:
  • Support and implement the goals and objectives of the International Council on Systems Engineering and will represent the views and interests of the local members to the INCOSE.
  • Provide a focal point for dissemination of Systems Engineering knowledge.
  • Promote professional standards for integrity in the practice of Systems Engineering.
  • Improve the professional status of all persons engaged in the practice of Systems Engineering.
  • Encourage governmental and industrial support for research and educational programs that will improve the Systems Engineering process and its practice.

Board of Directors meeting are held via telecon on the third Thursday of every month 12:00 to 12:30. Contact us at [email protected] for details.


HRA Membership

HRA INCOSE seeks to ensure a professional focus for, and to promote, systems engineering in the Hampton Roads by:

  • Providing educational and professional growth through regular programs on systems engineering topics
  • Providing a focal point for fellowship and dissemination of systems engineering knowledge
  • Providing focused systems engineering workshops to supplement government and industry training programs
  • Promoting collaboration in systems engineering education and research
  • Supporting establishment of professional standards for integrity in the practice of systems engineering
  • Supporting INCOSE's technical committees
  • Supporting Chapter members in their efforts to understand, apply, and represent systems engineeringin their specific industry, academic, and/or government positions 

HRA INCOSE is active at both the local and national level. Locally, the Chapter hosts dinner meetings to expand systems engineering awareness and knowledge, and participates in outreach programs to promote students' interest in systems engineering. The Chapter is also an active member of the Peninsula Engineers Council. On the national level, the Chapter is involved in training via the Systems Engineering Certification Tutorial Webinar. Chapter members continue to actively support the INCOSE International Workshop as a part of the Chapter Awards Committee, as well as the INCOSE International Symposium as participants in several Working Groups.

Systems engineering - the engineering of complex systems - is becoming increasingly important as a strategic competitive technical advantage in our global marketplace. HRA INCOSE complements other professional societies by providing information and processes to a wide range of students, engineers, scientists, and managers that help them more effectively integrate and understand customers' needs and translate those needs into valued products.

An opportunity for networking and professional advancement - open to anyone of any profession, across any industry - "You are welcome in INCOSE HRA."

Welcome to the INCOSE Hampton Roads Area (HRA) membership page. We are glad to see you are interested in our local HRA chapter. We are a group of local community professionals and students that are working to support professional growth and collaboration for the systems engineering community of Hampton Roads, as well as, networking opportunities for our members.

There are many benefits that a systems engineering community, such as ours, can offer. If you are interested in joining our chapter we offer several different membership options and will help you find the one that is right for you.

Whether you are an INCOSE member, or just someone who is interested in systems thinking, we invite you to join us for one of our many networking events. If you are looking for an opportunity to hear from well-renowned system professionals, a schedule of our monthly chapter dinner meetings can be found here (link to wherever info is stored). If you are interested in something more informal we also offer a professional networking series that oscillates from Hampton to Chesapeake.

We hope that you’ll be able to join us at future events. Please check our website for additional information and feel free to contact me, or any of our board members, with any questions you may have.

Mary Claire McLaughlin

Director at Large for Membership

Chapter Resources

NASA Langley Colloquium Series and the Sigma Series Lectures
The Sigma Series Lectures, presented at the Virginia Air and Space Center in downtown Hampton, provide to the general public this same opportunity for exposure to interesting technical topics. These lectures, however, are usually at a somewhat less detailed level, because the audience may consist of people with non-technical backgrounds in addition to local high school and college students.

Peninsular Engineers Council Previous Events
The Peninsula Engineers Council (PEC) is an inter-society council comprised of representatives from organizations dedicated to strengthening and promoting the engineering, profession in the Peninsula area. The member organizations consist of 18 local chapters of engineering and technical societies, a local science and education foundation, and three government organizations.

Chapter Events

INCOSE Hampton Roads: August Chapter Meeting

INCOSE Hampton Roads Area: Virtual Graduate Student Sprint

HRA Virginia USA Peninsula Engineer Council Banquet Feb 23, 2020


Chapter News


The HRA Chapter was presented the prestigious Silver Chapter Circle Award for 2018 at the 2019 International Symposium. Congratulations! The plaque reads:


Based upon its contributions and accomplishments in 2018


Is recognized for performing to the highest goals and standards established by our organization.

Presented July 2019

Chapters and Awards Page

Find out more by visiting the  HAMPTON ROADS YAMMER  community today!

Yammer is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

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